
Finding the right online business


I have been involved in and researching homebased online businesses for quite some time.  Sadly most of them never live up to their promise.  You end up spending precious time, away form your family, trying to figure out how to make some income or at least cover your start- up costs.  Does this sound familiar?

Most of the time these businesses offer little or no support.  You are left finding your own way, with little success. 

So what should you look for in an online business?

I’m always wary if a company isn’t up front with what they offer.  Saying that, there are plenty of companies out there, who are excellent.  It can be a great way to start your own home based business. The business model of many affiliate and MLM companies  is good & successful – but within that industry you will find both good guys & bad guys. The key is to do your homework and find out exactly what they offer: in other words – what is your role within that company (selling, marketing, distributing?) and just as importnat – is it a product or service that interests you greatly & that you can be passionate about?

Also, is it a high cost product (so you would sell fewer) or is a daily consumable product or service (something people use and buy when they run out or require). And also, is it a product / service that others know and talk about (not just the testimonials on their website – is it known in the wider world featured on blogs etc?). 

Start-up cost is also a huge factor.  How long will it take before you actually get some return on investment?

 Do you feel overwhelmed by all this? 

As a busy mom, with three boys, I certainly felt overwhelmed.  I made many mistakes and wasted a lot of time and money on business opportunities that where certainly going nowhere.  The Better Womens Network  proved to be the answer to my long search.  

We are a VERY special group of women – all committed to each other’s success ONLINE and to our FUTURE!

Have a look at our Facebook  page or visit my web page.  There you will find all the information to get you started on a great journey!

Hi and welcome to my blog! I am a qualified interior designer, but since having children and settling in a rural community I had to re-invent my career. I am now the owner of two successful online businesses and I also partner with my husband in our family business. I do this all in my own time, mostly from my home office. I am the mother of three very bussy boys and working from home is the only option for me. It allows me to be part of my children's lives, while contributing financially in our household. In my blog I want to share a bit of myself, my businesses and life in general with you. Hope you enjoy!