
Vicki’s Blog Debut !

Hello ! Well here I am writing my first blog ha ha ha ! Who would have thought I’d have anything interesting enough to blog about !  What was that you asked ? What could be so interesting that I would move out of my comfort zone and blog ? Well I’d like to tell you all about this great group of women I have hooked up with who have a plan – a great plan – to change the lives of women all over the world by teaching them how to be financially independent.  A group who help each other in a supportive team environment.  A group who are there for you every step of the way, teaching you all you need to know about making money online. A group that I am now a proud member of. They are called The Better Women’s Network. I’m quite excited to be a part of this great network of women already 200 strong ! Who doesn’t want financial freedom ? What better way to learn how to market online than from the comfort of your own home with the support of a group of like-minded women ? What a great business opportunity ! OK, so we all have time constraints of some form or another. I personally am running my own Online and Party Plan business called Today Is A Gift www.todayisagift.com.au , I am an independent distributor of the best skincare and inner health products on the market www.todayisagift.jeunesseglobal.com and I also do a little book-keeping on the side 15 hours a week !  But if you could just put aside a few hours a week for The Better Women’s Network you could be on your way to earning some real money ! Sometimes you just have to have a little bit of faith. I have taken the leap – will you ? Find out how to get started by clicking the link below !


Hello ! My name is Vicki and I live in one of the best places on earth ! About 2 years ago I decided that my life needed a huge overhaul. After working in the same job for 20 odd years and sick and tired of doing the same old 9 to 5 dance, I made the decision to chuck it all in for a better life. I started an online giftware business, sold up and moved to the far north coast of NSW. Being single, it was a pretty brave move but at this stage of my life I just wanted more time for me ! I love the great outdoors and the beach and always dreamed of living in a seaside village. I now go to sleep each night lulled by the sound of the ocean. I have met some great people since moving here and know that I have made the best decision of my life. Apart from my giftware and accessories business (Today Is A Gift) I am also an independent distributor of the best skin care and inner health products on the market today (Jeunesse) and I have also recently joined an awesome group called The Better Womens Network which is a network of women empowering women, working together to bring financial freedom to women all over the world, teaching women how to make money online ! So here I am in my new life loving every minute of it ! I am woman - HEAR ME ROAR !!! Income Disclaimer   Better Womens Network   Today Is A Gift   Jeunesse
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