
The first step into a new world called blogging!

BWN Banner 468x60 - Banner4This is the most difficult target I gave myself to do and now I have done it! Writing about myself and my dreams will help others to get there too. I do not know anything about marketing on internet, but I do know I want  to start exploring it.

My dream is a dream so many women have, and that is to start my own business and get succesful in what I have to offer. I know I cannot do it on my own and with the help from my international friends, we stand strong. Send out your blog and let people get to know you and find the people that are interested in the same things as you are and try in your term to help them too.

What was the most difficult thing to do for me to get started, to do what I had to do and that is learn and read and understand what the tools are to use and start. My problem is that I think to much, have difficulty in stop the brain to work all the time and just do and see what comes next. The only thing what happend is that nobody was interested in my links and my trials to put the information on facebook.  It is so difficult to understand this has nothing to do with me, and all with the readers, if there are some.

I joined the Better Women Network and talk with these lovely ladies, get information and started to do my thing and felt much closer to them then anyone in my circle of friends and family. What I did not understand is that the BWN group are women with the same drive, the same dreams and the same feelings as I have, that is why I found them. My friends and family do not have them in the same way I do, that is why they did not respond.

So I will step into the world of internet and send ou my blog and know there are al lot of women in need of a dream to come true, to find a way to get financially independent and are eager to get help in doing that and get the support you need, not being alone.

And yes that was exactly what I was lacking, I felt all alone, not understood in what I needed, not supported in what I was doing. and waiting for something to happen. Nothing happens if you wil not make it happen. I have started to take my future into my own hands, do the first small steps and go for it.

2012 BNW Banner 468x60 - Banner4

Feel free to use my link to find out more:  http://betterwomennetwork.com/marion-klaver/






My name is Marion, mother of 2 beautiful daughter, a grandson. I live in the Netherlands, near the German boarder, a beautiful part of the country. My life has finally started for me, I work parttime because I have to, but a dream comes true in setting up with a very good friend an art gallery. Although I am creative and love to paint, this will not give me financial now and that is why I was looking for it and found a group of fantastic women that will support and help when ever they can and support me in my journey on internet and internet marketing, to make it possible for me to live the life I dreamt off being financial independent and make it real.
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