Ever had one of those mind spiralling times in your life when 24 hours is not enough. Well here I am sitting in the middle of my mind spiral trying to make heads and tails of where to start.
Do I blog, post, follow up, make a coffee, play with the kids, go for a swim, read some information on blogging, read other peoples blog, pintrest, facebook, twitter, etc etc. So instead I do a bit of everything by half. Not the best approach I know but I am excited. I want to do this.
Right rule 1 I have learned this week is SLOW DOWN. Not in a literal lie on the couch sense but in my mind sense. I need to get my thoughts orderly and process these thoughts one at time to get a thorough job done. So far this week I have been going gung hoe trying to do a little of everything, excited at all these new fun tools opened up to me. The trouble is I am only doing things by half.
SO how do I go about achieving while doing less. EASY. I listed to a webinar on the many marketing faces of facebook. FASCINATING. So my first step was to slow down to ensure facebook was covered. I was going to concentrate on friending other marketers who want to share tips (but not necessarily use my product), send out information about Better Womens Network to sites that I am interested in (as opposed to random sites I was searching- true story I posted to China Womens Dating Service online (told you I was excited), and sending out posts to my home page about the fun time I am having learning all these marketing skills.
Another great tip I learnt this week was to share. Sharing has never been a problem for me so to hear about sharing leads with my sign ups seemed like a no brainer. I look forward to being able to do this.
At the same time as my marketing business taking off I have also started green juicing daily. Juicing allows me to feel like I am looking after myself a little while I go about the caos in my daily life. So far so good. Green juices rule.
As far as breathing goes my pilates routine has gone out the window this week and my stand up paddling got left by the way but tomorrow is a new day and I am getting out there.
My favorite part of my week was learning how to use Pintrest. this site is awesome. I am addicted to searching and repinning things. I just can not figure out how to use it to my advantage yet but I am excited to figure it out.