Many people find online marketing hard or not effective for them.
The issue though is not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of action.
The motivation to bridge the gap between knowledge and action is often what is missing.
Action can lead to motivation which in turn can lead to results and more motivation to act. Get it ?
We have a system that is helping hundreds of women to bridge the gap using 15 minute tasks each day to help motivate people to marketing action (even those who work can manage 15 minutes a day).
Who really would not like to work with a highly supportive group of women who are all looking out for each other? We genuinely applaud when someone has success.
I am new to the marketing world. My background is as a Naturopath and a Nutritionalist but I am fascinated by marketing. It is something I NEED to use to run any of my successful businesses. When I found this opportunity to work with Better Womens Network and tap into the wonderful generous women who also work at BWN I was stoaked and did not hesitate. So far I have definitely not been disappointed. There is more than enough information to keep me working 24/7 on my marketing skills.
Energise, Nourish and Achieve. These are three things I constantly strive for. I am passionate about health, movement and living life fully (this third aspect is sometimes compromised by running a household of 3 young children and a teenage husband) but I try.