Changing Seasons


Summer isn’t over already… it?

I have noticed myself lately feeling kind of BLAH about doing things. It happens to me every year…


Even though we are still in February, which by all accounts is still Summer, the days are noticeably getting that little bit shorter, the heat is not quite as harsh and dissipates early in the evening.

Soon enough, daylight savings will be over, and it will be dark in the morning when I wake up, and dark again by dinner time.

I live for Summer, I love Summer, and when nature starts telling me that it’s time to change seasons it is fair to say I get some “seasonal depression”.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate Winter, I have spent the last 13 years living in the mountains in the vicinity of Ski Resorts, but to have the warmth of the sun on your skin – nothing beats that.

I cannot control the seasons, try as I might, so what is left for me to do? In order to move past my initial bout of “I don’t wanna”, every year I need to refocus, find some short term goals to work toward, and make it so I want to JUMP out of bed in the morning!

Do you find you have the same trouble? Maybe you are pretty good about getting out and exercising, right up until the weather cools off.  Then what? Make a challenge for yourself! Run in the rain!, or snow, or fog – it can be a lot more challenging, but also a lot more memorable. Let yourself run through some puddles! SO what if you get dirty, don’t we all own washing machines these days?

Do you hate how cold is gets in Winter? Me too, but go with the positives. I can wear my ugg boots in Winter! My feet love it! And how good is it lying in bed on a cold day under a huge blanket!

My challenge for myself, and the challenge I put forth to you the reader is this – is there something getting you down? Is there a reason you say “I don’t wanna”? Embrace the challenges, make it fun, make it yours. Don’t let the weather or the hours of sunlight or whatever it is rule you. YOU are in charge of what you can achieve in a day.


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