

So you work from home, make lunches, tidy the house, run errands, etc etc etc. We are super busy people and some times it is hard to remember to stop let alone take silent time out to meditate or refocus on ourselves. In this motivating interview Sue Smart gives some great advice on how taking time out each morning to get a clear focus on what you want to acheive for the day. This reflection in turn WILL have a HUGE impact on your productivity for the day.

But by taking just 10 minutes out of our crazy busy days we can try to get to the bottom of what truely matters to us, get rid of road blocks and have a productive day.

Write your goals down.

Write your goals down.

Write your goals down.

Yes I did mean to write that 3 times. Sue writes her goals 17 times, SEVERAL TIMES A DAY. This keeps her focus on acheiveing her goals for the day.


“In the attitude of silence, the soul finds the path in a clearer light and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness”

Gandhi recognised the impact of silence to help people to listen and reconnect, to find the path through no matter how tough things were.

I have a 3 lovely young ones including a 1 year old so understand it isn’t always easy to find 10 minutes of reflective silence in the morning or anytime really. Zee does sleep in the day and this is when I usually jump on the computer to get to work for 3 hours.


But what if I used 10 minutes of that 3 hour work time, perhaps turning off the computer, switching off the TV and silencing the phone to get my goals in clear focus? I could then spend the next 2 hours 50 minutes being super productive.

Right tomorrow I will give it a go. The worst thing that can happen is I could have 10 minutes rest. Arrrrr Nice.



I am new to the marketing world. My background is as a Naturopath and a Nutritionalist but I am fascinated by marketing. It is something I NEED to use to run any of my successful businesses. When I found this opportunity to work with Better Womens Network and tap into the wonderful generous women who also work at BWN I was stoaked and did not hesitate. So far I have definitely not been disappointed. There is more than enough information to keep me working 24/7 on my marketing skills. Energise, Nourish and Achieve. These are three things I constantly strive for. I am passionate about health, movement and living life fully (this third aspect is sometimes compromised by running a household of 3 young children and a teenage husband) but I try.
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