Leads, Leads and more Leads

Whatever business you are involved in, you will have to apply a good sales funnel.

A sales funnel: Is it that important?

If you don’t have a good sales funnel, then you are leaving a lot money on the table. I see a lot of people pitching their products or businesses to make some sales. I was doing that, and I understand why people are still doing it today. I can tell you that when we don’t have a good sales process, we tend to pitch it. We only want results at the end of it. The magic comes when we are serious about learning the skills. As a matter of fact, if we want to do something that works, we will have to learn it. This is human nature: learn it, test it, and MAKE IT! This is a simple formula that we have to apply to everything we want to be successful at.

Let’s start talking about what a sales funnel is and how you could benefit from it.
First of all, a sales funnel simply means a sales process. The advantage of it is that you can make a system that is working for you 24/7 without you getting involved in it. What I mean by that is you simply create some learning curve until the product becomes a solution for the prospect. What I personally do is capture visitors to my page with a simple ad and let my autoresponder start with a series of follow up emails. I also send personal messages explaining my organizations strategies. Then, at the end of the learning curve, I offer my principle business, which is network marketing. This is a huge benefit because you will be doing it once and then the sales are going to be awesome.

Whatever business you are in, if there is no sales funnel and no system that is working for you, you will be working at a JOB.

Why is the sales funnel so important?
Simply because when you have a good one, you will start building up trust with the prospect and confidence about your product. You don’t want to sell the product. You want people to buy the product. Right?

To your FREEDOM!


Jim Bowman

New to internet marketing, but I have worked for 35 years in retail marketing. The last 20 years I have been in the sporting goods business and before that in the electronics field. I am excited to try a new venture and look forward to learning about this exciting new business.

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