
The Dreams Ahead for 2013!!!

This is day 3 of writing my blog but its the first day that i have uploaded it to the BWN FB page!!
I think maybe i have been way to eager to get going and try signing people as i havent been able to do that as yet.

I did have a bit of a lull today as i was starting to think ‘Maybe this isnt for me’ or ‘Maybe i wasnt doing something right’ or ‘Maybe i was being to pushy’ but then i realized i have only been with Global NPN & BWN for 5 days!!
So i have lots & lots to learn still and i have to just take my time and and be patient but persistent and wiling to learn everyday!!
I went on the the womens mission to suceed FB page today and that perked me up alot and then i did start saying to myself ‘Yes, of course you can do this silly, you can do anything you put your mind to and more’.

So, i have no experience what so ever in online marketing but i am so excited about what the future will bring to myself and my family plus thousands of other women!

It really is great to have such an awesome team to help with all of my (and others) questions and be there when we get really stuck and need a helping hand or even a little push so we dont get these lulls!! I must say though, it probably didnt help being up half the night with my 7month old last night!!! I do not like this teething business, poor little buggers, it must’n be very nice at all for them 🙁

I have found that that the trainig online has been extremly helpful and fairly easy to understand. I am still looking around the Global NPN site just to get a feel for it and understand it better but i know where to go when i am stuck and having lulls!!

Till next time 🙂 xxxxxxxxx

Hi everyone! My name is Lisa Foote and I am a mother of a very energetic and quite vocal 7 month old baby boy!! I have worked at Coles Supermarket for a little over 9 years and I have completed Cert 3 in Business & Administration. I am very excited to start a new career chapter of my life and the potential it will bring to myself and my family! And of course everyone i can help along the way. I am originally from Port Lincoln, SA and my partner and I lived up in Darwin, NT for about 2 years and we loved it 🙂 But we moved back down to the south east for my partners work and we are both ready to start something new! I will speak to you all again soon!!! Bye for now 🙂 Lisa Foote