Last night i got to my breaking point with my finances. My only income was my daughters SSI she is disabled well when my grandpa died she got some money I reported it and now they are stopping the income. My husband quit his job to work on our flipping houses and going to meetings. So the only income was my daughters money. Any way just when we where going to pull the rest of my daughters money for the house that we are trying to flip just so we can pay the rent and the bills.
Well my husbands phone rang and it was our partner with good news. We got the house we get the keys this week and we can start fixing it up this week and sell it. He is going to help us out for about 2 months. Once I start making money witch wont be to much longer with help from wonderful women that I am in a group with just want to say thank you all for helping me and keeping me positive.
This is a blessing and now I have a positive look on my thinking. I WILL NOT GIVE UP I WILL NOT GET DEPRESSED I AM JUST GOING TO KEEP MOVING ON NO MATTER WHAT…..
But once again just wanted to say thank you all for being behind me and keeping my head on straight.