Do you have trouble setting YOUR Goals?

Hi There!

                     A few days ago, I wrote about ‘Why Goal Setting Doesn’t Work’ and if you read it, you may recall that I stated that for Goal setting to have any impact on your life, you need a MAP (Massive Action Plan). Until recently, I thoughInspired goalst I was doing it all okay, but then I found the absolute best solution for ensuring that I have Daily Action which is accountable and I am able to Plan it into my day. The solution is Better Womens Network and the fantastically motivating and inspiring daily task recently emailed to me by the wonderful Joanna Rogers. Goal Setting!

 Each day, I am given a task to complete with full instructions and in some cases examples AND video tutorials so that even the absolute beginner wanting to develop themselves online – whatever their motivation to do so – can look forward too and complete these tasks every single day.

They don’t take much of your time  and day by day, you will learn something new. You will begin to radiate confidence in yourself, as I have, that you CAN achieve your goals and dreams no matter where you are starting from. The recent Goal Setting task by the lovely Joanna Rogers showed me how I’d been limiting myself.

Earlier this year, I set myself a goal to become a Better Woman!  Well, thanks to Better Womens Network, The Daily tasks and the weekly chat with my very own mentor, my goals are now becoming a reality as I am taking Take massive actionaction, working each and every day as directed through the Daily Tasks. Just this week alone, by following only the guidance and instruction I’ve been given through the fabulous ladies at Better Womens Network, I now have more people attracted to me simply because I now have more confidence, I communicate better with people and best of all, I have made some genuine friends who want nothing more than to see me succeed.

One task I completed recently was to Write down ALL of my goals – short term, within 1 to 5 years and Long term. I was instructed to write down absolutely EVERYTHING I wanted to achieve just in one big long list – have you done this before? No holes barred, absolutely everything you wish was a part of you or your life that isn’t right now?

Why don’t you do it! I’d love to hear from you once you do – but stay tuned as I’ll be back with

part TWO soon –

WHY Writing down those goals is SO Very Important.



Believe, Achieve and Teach!

Stay Beautiful


Hi, My name is Sonia and I have had many titles and roles to date, being the mother of four awesome children who are now all grown up I'm 'Mum'. I've worked for retail giants, Real Estate Agents, Authors and Editors, I've been an advertising co ordinator, a receptionist, a manager, a travelling sales rep, a telemarketer, a spruiker, a karaoke host and an employment consultant. I am passionate about people and am now an entrepreneur with a vision to help as many people as I possibly can realise their dreams through engaging them and showing them tools that work! I'm still a mum. I still go out and do a few hours work for an employer that I love and I'm also still hosting karaoke shows - yes, I can sing a little too. I also own two fantastic businesses that I run from the comfort of wherever I can get internet access. If you'd like to know more, please contact me via facebook

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  • Goals are your “Roadmap To Success”…good post

    • Thanks Ralf 🙂 I believe that we all know the importance of goal setting in any area of our lives, we simply forget to be consistant and review them regularly to ensure we are on track and to acknowledge what we accomplish along the way.

  • Great reminders thank-you Sonia. You have inspired me with your MAP Massive Action Plan – to reactivate my goals and especially at the moment with that big full moon in the night sky

    • You’re welcome Desley 🙂 Thanks for your feedback!

  • Luba Kanch

    Great post Soni baby!
    Goal setting is definitely important and sharing your stories will help many people! :O)
    Your are an awesome Leader!

  • folksey

    I always enjoy your posts. I can’t wait to see part two.

    • Thanks Folksey! It’s coming up really soon 🙂

  • I definitely need to set my short and mid-term goals. Thanks for the reminder, Sonia!