
The Secret Revisted

It’s been a while since I wrote in my blog. Not from lack of motivation or lack of content to write about. I really have no excuse as to why I haven’t been here other than I didn’t feel like it for a while.

So here I am, back now simply because I feel like it!

I am currently reading ‘Think & Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. That old book I hear some of you say. Yes. That old book.

You know what, I thought I’d read it years ago but while starting from he very begitHINK RICHnning again, it’s as if I’m reading it for the very first time.

Because, the reality of it is, I AM! I am a different person now to who I was a couple of decades ago when I may have read it for the first time.

The book planted seeds in my mind though. Its messages have spurred me on from my sub conscious over all of these years.

I have inadvertantly quoted Napoleon Hill during my life. My children will attest to this as mums words of ‘thoughts are things’ ring through their ears every time they state negative words, or feel hopeless, out of control, that this is their lot in life forever. My response is always ‘Thought become things’ and ‘everything is only temporary’.

I had no idea where I’d learned these words. I do know that I’ve believed them for a long time and have inspired others to change their thoughts by gently telling them in their moments of self doubt.

Re reading this book today is also bringing back the wonderful ‘feeling’ I had when I read ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne, and also when I watched the DVD that became hugely popular back in 2006. I recall the many ‘aha’ moments I had while reading the pages. Telling all who would listen that I had been living my life already practising what Rhonda was writing about! I was so excited and relieved, that I was not the only one that believed that ‘thoughts become things’. I really felt alienated by many of my peers and family due to my beliefs.

Now, reading ‘Think and Grow Rich’, I cannot remember exactly, But I think (and please correct me if I am wrong) that Rhonda was inspired by the same book, or another book along the same lines.

the secretI am currently at a point in my life where people turn to me to ask advise. People express admiration and edify me simply just for me being me. This still humbles me immensely. I have always wanted to be a teacher. I believed that meant I would be a ‘school teacher’, you know, a traditional job kind of teacher. I did attend college for a few years to study that path. Wasn’t for me.

I went back out into the workforce, working in retail for a large corporation. I had my children. Changed careers a few times over the next 25 years or so.

But still, something was missing. I kept getting an overwhelming feeling that I was meant for another purpose. I kept reading, studying. Trying to find the answers of where I am supposed to ‘fit it’ in the whole scheme of things.

The answer lies within us all. If it ‘feels’ right. It is. if it ‘feels’ wrong. It is.

If you haven’t read it yet, I strongly recommend that you do. Start today. It is available for free through iBook or download HERE

Please write to me once you get started reading it to share your thoughts. I’d love to connect with you.


Believe, Achieve, Teach! Keep Smiling Soni www.moderndaymentor.com.au

Believe, Achieve, Teach!
Keep Smiling

Hi, My name is Sonia and I have had many titles and roles to date, being the mother of four awesome children who are now all grown up I'm 'Mum'. I've worked for retail giants, Real Estate Agents, Authors and Editors, I've been an advertising co ordinator, a receptionist, a manager, a travelling sales rep, a telemarketer, a spruiker, a karaoke host and an employment consultant. I am passionate about people and am now an entrepreneur with a vision to help as many people as I possibly can realise their dreams through engaging them and showing them tools that work! I'm still a mum. I still go out and do a few hours work for an employer that I love and I'm also still hosting karaoke shows - yes, I can sing a little too. I also own two fantastic businesses that I run from the comfort of wherever I can get internet access. If you'd like to know more, please contact me via facebook
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