
Who is Khana Kerns?

KhanaKerns.com  is an online blogging and where internet marketers, network marketers, and small business professionals engage and discuss list building and other online marketing strategies to bring their business to profitability. 


I am so excited as this is my first blog post to the NPN blogging platform 🙂

No I haven’t been procrastinating.

I have been using this time to actually build my GlobalNPN (my primary)  downline and team with active recruiting. Now that I have established a team who is building their own teams I am forced to have a platform in which I can stay engaged.  No this will not be my branded blog but it is where you can find most of my internet marketing trainings in relation to tools resources and strategies for online marketing that you can use in your business. Whether you are currently in NPN and actively promoting OR if you are just thinking of using the awesome tools!

If You’re such a “Leader”, Khana, then why don’t you have a branded blog? Why use NPN’s duplicated instant blog? 

I do have a branded blog that I use for my offline marketing brand. Right now, I have my graphic design team working on that platform at khanakerns.com (It will be complete by July 2013). So we will just connect here  in the meantime as the NPN instant blog is completely awesome!

So, How’s NPN working for ya?

At the time of this post I sit at #3 on the Leader Boards on the 30 and 60 day boards.  Which has been Uber Exciting! And to think,  I got there within only  7 days of being in NPN and have remained there in these following months.

Here’s Proof:


So what’s my secret you ask? 

What I love about NPN besides the fact that the tools can be used for any project that you are doing in internet marketing whether it’s affiliate, network marketing programs, or if you are a small business owner looking to build and manage your list. The one thing that turns me on about the NPN tools is that they force you to become productive in creating content.

Most of you reading this post are in or affiliated with the internet/network marketing industry in some way so you know how important creating content is. And especially creating your own branded content.

If you don’t know this then I suggest you look around at industry leaders. What do they do for marketing? What tools and resources do they use? If you are unsure stay connected to this blog and you will find many ways of how.

So this is my secret and I will tell you the God’s honest truth:

NPN is the kind of company that sort of forces you to become productive in your business. Not to mention the quality of like-minded individuals that I have networked with and grown lifelong relationships with in such a short time that have been so incredibly supportive. We even support and train one another even if we are not on the same teams! This atmosphere has been very encouraging for me and I know that there are so many others  who also need this foundation of the “New Plan Network”

For these reasons I have remained diligent in my recruiting efforts, as well as, using NPN’s tools to do exactly what they are meant to do: CREATE VALUABLE CONTENT ONLINE to help me establish and grow a list and stay engaged with that list so that you can sell not only the NPN tool suite but other affiliate programs and your own branded products and services. I want to show you how to do these things too!


It is my hope that you stay connected with me throughout my journey. What you should expect from this blog is a wealth of information that is targeted directly to my list. If you can read this post. You are probably on my list. If not, you will definitely want to opt-in at some point so you can stay connected with what I have going on outside of just this blog.

Feel Free to also connect with me on Facebook or call me directly at :

(641) 715-3900
Extension: 730796#


What Should I Expect From This Blog? 

Expect to find up-to-date product information on tools in NPN of course but mostly I will be discussing valuable topics in relation to your business offline. This blog is for the network marketer, internet marketer, and small business owner as I will be discussing valuable resources that you can use for your business, as well as, marketing strategies both free and paid that you can use for your advertising efforts.  You will not find the typical fluffed up material here. It’s just meat and potatoes.

You will also find tutorials and trainings that I have recorded that will direct you to many resources that you can use to start creating content in your business online.


So let’s get started…






Thank you for visiting my page and Welcome. You'll see from the start of visiting my page that I am a free spirit who loves what I do and commit a lot of valued time into my life passions. That includes lots of traveling, cooking, and lots of wine tasting of course 😉 If you didn't catch it from my profile my name is Khana Kerns. I am a 28 year Momprenuer (mom+entrepreneur) as I like to put it haha! I have 2 beautiful boys, London age 9 and Legend age 9 months I have been in marketing for a good part of 10 years. 6 of those years I worked on building my marketing business part-time from home while working in Accounting. *sticks finger down throat* Needless to say life had me get out of that field and do what I do best: Work with people, make a decent living for my family that would afford us to live a solid life, and work from home 🙂 It was about 4 years ago when i decided to really buckle down and make some significant money online that I could work full time from home. Since then my journey has been incredible! I know what it takes to make it as a successful entrepreneur I know what people go through and how hard it is to make money. This is why i make it my goal to help as many people as i can get to where I am in my business. I have always understood that you need to sell you and your ideas in order to advance your career, gain more respect, and increase your success, influence and income. My expertise is communicating with people and list building strategies,as well as, a few other things such as media management and different traffic strategy methods. I definitely love helping people and listening to what other people have to say. Contact me and I would love to get to know you more. Hope to talk soon Khana Kerns Office: (641) 715-3900 Extension: 730796#
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