Blog Archives

QR Codes Marketing – The Silent Sales Machine

Nexus Rewards The Silent Sales Machine Nexus Rewards Snap is the most beneficial and most lucrative $10.00 referral prgram available online.  Many people need a quick and efficient way to increase their income and build a residual income that will

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The Titan Submersible Implosion and your Digital Marketing career.

Welcome, digital marketers! I`m sure you heard about the Titan? Just like how the Titan should have had more planning and preparations, digital marketers need to set up contingency plans for worst-case scenarios. Most businesses and individuals make the mistake

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Why Would ANYONE Ever Invest In YOU?

Harsh reality check coming up! If you want to make it online, I mean really make it…. You have to be willing to INVEST in your business! I’m sorry, but there is NO way to make money online without spending

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One Must Mention Calgary Stampede, When One Lives This Close To It….

Well the Stampede has been on this past week and… …. it has been BUSY! The city basically doubles it’s population for about 10 or 12 days and my golly the traffic shows it! …. Drinks start flowing at 8

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Pardon from your Life Sentence

Here is a “Pardon from your Life Sentence” You may not think of it this way but… If you have a job, you may feel like you are sentenced to life without parole. Even if you love your job, it still

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Future Guru, here are the “TOP” reasons we created Global NPN…

Okay Future Guru…here it is… When we set out to build the perfect marketing system we had many reasons that drove us to produce what we have thus far…but there are 7 “TOP” reasons for what we have done and for how

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Bourbon, Friends, Fun and Business….

ali and i O small

….WOW! You ever have too much of a good thing? I did; last night, that thing was bourbon…. ….I have heard people say you can’t have too much of a good thing. I would have to disagree…. The same can

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The Amount of BS Out There….

I think the title says it all. The absolute Plethora of Bull Sh*t in the marketing space almost makes me sick. It is NO wonder no one wants to open emails anymore. People are tired of the lies, tired of

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What Is SEO? Is it needed?

NPN biz

One of those phrases you hear a lot in internet marketing and website creation is Search Engine Optimization! (SEO) What is it exactly? Well that is the ultimate mystery that I won’t be able to answer in a few words,

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Is E-mail Marketing Still King?

 If you are reading this article it is because e-mail marketing has worked. The old world of spamming people to death until they block you, ban our email and stop you from being able to communicate are over. Today’s email

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Why A Side Hustle? Why Internet Marketing?

It seems like this is a question growing on a lot of people’s minds. Why are so many people trying to move to online marketing? What’s the draw? Why is it so appealing? Well come with me and let me

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This Community Rocks!

I mean if you are going to be a part of something, you might as well be a part of something that is great! Since I have joined, the people are friendly, the support is quick and the training has

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Strike While The Iron Is Hot!

Making sure that you are accepted by a CPA network involves a bit of work on your part, and it is key to remember that everyone who is applying wants, just as much as you do, to be accepted to

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CPA Marketing – What is CPA?

CPA is one of the most popular new ways to buy online advertising. The name CPA is an abbreviation of Cost Per Action or Cost Per Acquisition, and the system is popular because it works equally well on both sides

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All In One profits got its start in 2012 as the new all in one solution for marketers.But is it really though? The company has a couple of things that makes it a cam in my book. The comp plan

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If you are looking into making money with GlobalNPN it can be use in more ways than just one. You can create online EVENT capture pages for people,and manage their guest list for managing their guest list you can

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5 Learnable Mindsets of Highly Successful People

5 Learnable Mindsets of Highly Successful People TJ Addis Feb. 23 2017 Have you ever wondered how truly successful people like Bill Gates, Richard Branson or Muhammad Ali became successful and continuedto excel? I sure have. I’ve always been fascinated

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Wrong Person for the Job

So, you have no time to write a content for your online business blog and decided to hire someone. You place an Ad, interview candidates which lead to another interview and then bammm… you hired Johnny on the spot (lol).

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If You Want To Get Good At Marketing Online

Get Good At Marketing

I like to email a lot.   Not because I wanna send you a bunch of crap that hassles you about buying something.   It’s mostly for me.   I advise everyone to write every single day.   I do

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It Only Takes 3 Simple Steps

3 Simple Steps

Know what I’ve noticed lately? Things haven’t changed much as far as marketing online goes. I mean, there’s lots of new tools and sites. The rise of social media has been freakin’ crazy. But the things ya gotta do to

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