
Be Happy,Work for Yourself From home

So you live a 9 to 5 life and party on the weekends, like any good college graduate should, right? Well, here is a question you should ask yourself then: Have you ever seen your boss come into work on a Monday and NOT want to be there? Sure, you and everyone you work with on a daily basis hates coming in on a Monday to the same old crap that you left behind Friday evening. But your boss always seems to be a bit happier than the rest of you. The reason your boss doesn’t mind Mondays is that he, or she, is the one making all the money and you are nothing more than a grunt to them.

That’s right; your boss couldn’t care less about what you want to do on a Monday. All they care about is the overhead and the profit margins that you should be keeping track of right now. They want you to make their money for them while you sit at your desk, if you can call it that, and piddle away your days for a salary that a chipmunk couldn’t even live on. They know you went out on the weekend and can’t remember 80 percent of what you did, but they don’t care as long as you show up Monday morning ready to delve into the pile of files they have prepared for you.

Now, you have a chance to be the boss of your own life and actually create a working relationship with your inner child so that you can have more time to do the things you want to do and spend less time working for someone else. If someone came up to you right now and said they had a sure fire way of getting you the same amount of pay that you are making currently, with half the time spent working, you would probably think it’s a scam, right? Well, starting your own home based business can actually give you that and, much more, if you are willing to try it.

This doesn’t mean that you should quit your job right now and start looking online for a business that you can work a couple hours a week and pull in thousands of dollars. No, it means that you should look into starting a business with the skills and knowledge you currently possess and seeing where it could possibly take you. This isn’t something that is going to happen overnight, and you will need to be prepared to put your life on hold for a little bit before you start seeing the success and profits you want. However, once that moment happens, you will feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders as you finally get to go on that vacation you have always dreamed about, or buy that sports car you have wanted since you were twelve. This is something you may eventually, after years and years of working in a cubicle, achieve at your current job, but why would you want to wait that long before being able to live your life? Why not put a plan into action now?


Robert Butcher

A full-time Internet Marketing Trainer and Strategist. He has worked online for over 4 years part-time, But recently retired from corporate America after 40 yrs. Favorite things to do are bowling,fishing and spending time with the grand-kids. http://robertbutchernetwork.com
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