
Create A Money Making Blog in 7 Days!!!

This is a easy to follow to follow, plan that shows you how to set up  your blog, for long term success…the first time out.


Blog Basics

Al blog is sometimes called web log or weblog. At first, they were used as a personal place, for collecting links, sharing commentary – but now; they are a valid and VALUED form of communication for business people of all types. From the basics of blogging, to the intermediate areas-such as social networking, marketing articles, to the advanced techniques using auto responders and more, there’s something for every affiliate marketer to utilize.

The great thing about blogs is that people read them for fun and for information – in fact, blogging is one of the few areas of the Internet that covers business, pleasure and networking.

They do for your company what face to face marketing could only do in the past – they provide you with a real, interesting connection to your readers – personalised contact, and information about your company that will allow them to empathise, and discuss your most important points, and anything that ties in with hot button topics and your business

Blogs give your readers and consumers a chance, not only to read and connect with you, but a chance to connect and discuss with you, and your team, the information that you’re sharing – allowing them to further relate to your message. And consumer that relates to you is a customer in waiting!

Our guide covers the very basics of blogging – it skims into areas that you’ll possibly never have heard of – and cover them so that you can employ tham in seven days – or less.


Day 1

To start a blog is as simple as finding a space online to write – and the time to write.

To start though, you’ll need to work through a few steps to create a space for yourself.

Before you can blog, you have to decide what it is that you want to blog about. It’s important to stop and thing about your blog, before starting it because, to be honest, without purpose, blogs are pointless. And pointlessness will come through in your blog.

So, you need to think about what your writing and why. Consider your theme – and then build some keywords around it, because for the first little while, you should try to include at least some of them in every post. You’ll get archived in all of the right places that way, which will lead valuable NON COMMENT generated traffic to your blog. You’ll also be commenting on blogs similar to yours and hopefully, generating more traffic based on the links you leave.

You can choose your topic, keyword, and theme simply by considering what, in connection to your business you’re an expert in. Once you’ve looked at that, you can decided whether it’s profitable, or viable to pursue it. If not, look at a related area that you can cover – your blog should always relate to your business choices, and give you interested traffic. Having said that, your blog isn’t a free advertising system and nothing more – you’ve got to remember that people will be turned off by blatant advertising.

Choosing your keywords

Keyword Research

Keyword research is relatively simple – you can undertake basic research at http://www.seomoz.org/beginners-guide-to-seo/keyword-research

You can use this to research your general keywords – can check on their general profitability, if you’re using CPM advertising. You might not be – but most blogs make a residual income from Adsense or similar, and it’s not something you should overlook, for long term stratagem. Niche blogs can earn well.

Once you’ve found a profitable overall keyword, you’ll need to check ou you competition – http://advertising.yahoo.com/

Though considered less effective now – it’s still a good tool for finding your competition levels. You’ll be able to assess your competition – basically, you’re looking for a niche that’s either tiny, if it’s  narrow, or large, if it’s broader.  Your narrower niches can only support a tiny amount of blogs – whereas the broader definition , the more your niche will support – but the flip side to that, is that you’ve got more competition.

To read the complete article:

7 Days to Profitable Blogging





Courtnei Swain

Hello, my name is Courntei and my desire in working from home started in 1993, that's when I became aware that this was even a possibility. From there I spent a lot time trying different things. When one thing didn't work out, I'd get frustrated (a little) then look for something else. But I never completely gave up! My desire to make money from home remained strong. In between trying, I worked full time jobs but never stopped pursuing my dream! After many trials and errors along the way, I discovered what was missing in my pursuit...a Network! In any successful business there’s a network of people working together to make the business prosper. In addition to an abundance of support from training tutorials, weekly online meetings, email support and more! Where you never feel alone or like your own your own! And that's what I found here, with NPN! Come join me on the journey to success! Any questions? Feel free to ask to ask! I'm also on Facebook: Courtnei Swain and Skype: courtnei.peaceandfreedom