Do you know that there has been over 250% increase in Entrepreneurial Activity since 2007?

Not because People want to … but rather, out of Necessity.

Can you Identify with any of these:
Millions are not making enough money
Millions have lost their job due to jobs being Obsolete
Personal debt is at an all-time High
Foreclosures are at an all-time High
For Millions, things are NOT Getting Better
And yes, the 98% are TIRED of Waiting for things to Get Better

Do you know that Leading Economists predict, there could be
as many as 10,000,000 NEW millionaires created in what is being
Classified as “The Age of the Entrepreneur”

AIM members Are Ready … We Are Positioned to Benefit!

But this is NOT an EVENT …it really is a Process,
which means that it takes time. Don’t Believe The Hype!
It will NOT take 30 days, or 6 months …but rather, 2 years to 4 years.

This is a Startling FACT: 
The 2011 Global Entrepreneurs Monitor report states
12.3% of Americans were actively engaged in or started
a new business in 2011 (60% increase from 2010)

Millions are out there looking for what we have.
But they have to get pass the garbage …they are being bombarded
by the JSS/Profitclicking, the Zeek Rewards, the Profitable Sunrise, etc.
and Now Frederick Mann is supposedly back again to Scam more
people …out of their money … and the SAD thing is that Thousands,
hundreds of thousands, will fall Victim …once again.
But are they Really Victims? or Should they Know Better?

While I am here … I am all for Multiple Income Streams.
I do other things … however, certain things I will not Join.
I will not join ANY 1% a day, 2 %, 3%, etc a day programs Because
EVERY Single one of them will Cause hundreds of thousands
of people to LOSE …Sure, some will win but at least 80% will Lose.
I cannot tell you what to join or what not to join …but if you do join
those types of programs …please do yourself a favour and only join
with what you can afford to lose … chances are , you will lose, but of
course, you could win …right 🙂

Stay tuned for the next instalment Or if you want to know more than go

I run a family business that's been around for 45yrs in the painting business.( I have also turned to the internet to make money and have been doing that for the last 4yrs. I have aligned myself with a handful of companies that are moving well on the net and some marketing groups to help me promote these companies.