I am sorry I didn’t blog last night but I was watching the hockey game and having a few beer with my friend Jim. And being a responsible person I don’t drink and drive so I thought it best not to blog and drive.
Living near Vancouver I am a Canuck fan but I don’t usually watch hockey, hockey was something I did mostly with my Mom and since her death it really hasn’t been the same for me. But my friend Jim is staying with me during the week and he likes hockey, I even ordered TSN for him so he can watch all the hockey games. Well last night I almost slapped him, good thing I am non violent. I know the game was a little slow at times and I know the reffing was not what it should have been, some bad calls I agree but the negativity over a few mistakes. I believe this is why they lost.
When the game was on and the score was 2-1 he was going on and on about how they have already lost and blah blah, he then went out for a smoke. I was still watching the game and I said they are going to get a goal and then within a couple of minutes the tied it. I hooted and hollered then they got another while he was still outside, then he came back in and he was so negative. I said think positive and maybe it will help. But it just got worse.
So I blame Jim for the Canucks losing the hockey game last night.
Now I need to go before he sees this, talk later.