
Pig Farms

This video is not for everyone, it is how some Canadian Farmers raise pigs.

I belong to causes and I sign all sorts of petitions to get governments to change laws in different countries about the treatment of cats and dogs. If it be a dog, cat, cow or pig no animal should go through this abuse.

I am horrified to think that this goes on in Canada, thank goodness I don’t eat meat or I would be sick to my stomach.
The people that are using these practices in this video should be charged. Apparently this is not company policy, but the employees think it is quicker and easier than following company policy.

If we stop buying these pigs and insist on buying happy pigs (pigs raised on farms where that are not put in gestation crates and let to live naturally) then these practices would not happen. I am not asking anyone to stop eating meat, just check out where the meat you buy is from. You may pay a few cents more a pound but wouldn’t that be better than having these images in our heads.

Normally I would go on and on about this but I am still in shock from the video and I have to watch something else to get the images out of my head.

Til Tomorrow, Donna.


Donna Ruck

I have a love of all living things, especially my 3 granddaughters and my dogs. I love to work online and meet new people. My first blog post has everything about me on it. Thanks Donna
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