Make Money or Waste Money

Hi my name is Pete and I am trying to carve my way into internet marketing with all of its pitfalls.

Now I should say that this is not my first income stream but it is hopefully going to become so if I can make it pay. I am relatively new to it all -about four months-but am learning fast that there are so many sharks out there with outlandish promises of overnight millionaire hood.  Its not going to happen for me I know that, perhaps I have to many scruples for this business, as I am certainly not going to sell my principles down the river for a fast buck.

I have been burnt a number of times now, and perhaps I should publish where I have been caught, but instead for  now anyway, I have decided to point people in the direction I have found profitable.

I am currently building  site which promotes the very few products that I have found profitable. Please take a look, as although it is still under construction I would welcome your feedback.  NPN will be added as I love the structure and believe I can earn money here.

If this helps you in any way or you have any thing to say to me please get in touch, I look forward to hearing from you.

Well first Blog post over for today, I wonder if there will be any feedback.


Hi Pete here, thank you for looking at My Blog. Although I am a successful business man by day ( I need to earn extra money to make ends meet, so I have ventured, part-time, into the Making Money On-line world. Although I am very new to this venture, I have found many many willing and able mentors who have helped me. I soon became accustomed to the easy guides and I always have them to refer to should I need to. I have found a path to wealth through online work, but I still have a lot to learn. Good Luck, although it is being rebuilt at the moment take a look at my site and let me know if it was helpful or you have any tips. Thanks again.

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