Internet Marketing: What can it do for You?

1. There are now more than 1.5 billion people online. That means that no matter how obscure your product or how targeted your pitch, it’s likely that there are people on the Web right now who want your product.

2. Anyone, even someone with no capital and little technological knowledge, can now start a business online and market cost-effectively to more than 1 billion people.

3. The twenty-first century is the first time in history that anyone can afford to start a worldwide business.

4. Internet-enabled marketing offers customer interactivity. You can use this functionality to draw potential customers into a closer relationship with your products and your brand.

5. Market your “product presence” across the World Wide Web’s many sites, platforms, and communities.

6. Even if you don’t sell anything online, it’s increasingly important that you have a web site. Online is the first place people look for information on businesses today.

7. Your web site is your product today. The image you present there affects almost every other aspect of your business.

8. When a customer arrives at your web site, you have just seconds to persuade her to engage in long-term interaction with your brand. The words on the page are critical in succeeding at this.

9. Email is still the workhorse of Internet marketing.

10. The amount of targeted TRAFFIC that you can generate to your lead capture page is directly proportional to the amount of success that you will have promoting your business online.

11. The formula for targeted traffic is: FIND TARGETED GROUP + GET CLICKS = HIGHLY TARGETED TRAFFIC

12. It’s your job as an Internet network marketer to get as much targeted traffic to your site in the most efficient way possible.

13. Every marketing campaign you launch is a test and every test is lesson in your Internet Network Marketing education.

14. You should get your own domain name. It just makes things a lot easier and more professional.

15. The only way to tell if you are getting any traffic is to track your click-thrus!

16. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to market your business and advertise your products. There are traffic exchanges, ezines, safelists, adwords/PPC, article sites, press releases, video sites, blogging platforms, bookmarking sites, web2.0 networking sites, banner ads, text ads, and the list goes on.

17. There’s only ONE thing, ONE word, that your advertising should be doing for you. That one word is: PROSPECTING. All of your advertising and promoting should be focused exclusively on finding new leads and building your prospect list. That’s IT. That is the front end of your business.

18. The simplest success formula, and the simplest visual representation of your marketing formula, has three steps:
1. Focus your advertising 100% on building your list.
2. Build and maintain an ongoing relationship with your list.
3. Market and upsell to your list.

19. If you’ve sold yourself as someone that provides good information, people will start to trust your opinion. If they trust your opinion, they will take your recommendations seriously when you present them.

20. Marketing to your list is an ongoing process that sometimes works, and sometimes doesn’t. But if you know your list, and you know what they want, your chances are much greater that you can make consistent sales all year long.

21. Free advertising through safelists can be used VERY successfully in gaining new business partners, list members, newsletter subscribers, and most importantly… SALES and PROFITS.

22. Promoting your offers successfully with safelists requires that you join and post to as many as you have the time to handle DAILY. You cannot expect to join one safelist to post your ad to and be successful with that promotion. But when you spread your messages over many safelists consistently every day, you’ll be amazed at how many new prospects opt into your system for more information every week!

23. Your ads must arouse curiosity and greed, expose pain, plus offer a beautiful solution to your prospects’ current problems or situations.

24. Your online ads should stress the main BENEFITS to your potential members / customers.

SB Mathew

SB Mathew

I am S.B. Mathew and am an Home-based business Entrepreneur working online. I knew that if I stopped working in my job, my income also stops. I realized the importance of residual income and understood the drawbacks of linear income. Being a Computer Engineer, Internet was my second home. Mark Victor Hansen & Robert Allen has written an excellent book, “The One Minute Millionaire”. And I quote from this classic book: “In the whole wide world of money there are only four major ways of becoming millionaire. No matter what your background, you can learn to master one of these areas. We call this the mountain range of wealth. A lot of routes can be taken to the top of each mountain.” I saw that one of the way to the top is Internet. Being familiar with it, I have chosen the Internet Mountain range. In an economy, where, unemployment is increasing, these Internet business models could be a solution. I love to teach, both offline as well as online. I strive to cultivate godliness, honesty and integrity as precious values in my life and am successfully building my online Home-based Internet business.

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