Your Online Marketing Focus

Building a successful business online as I explain it may not be similar to what you’ve been told in the past, it may not be what you have in mind when you think about how you’re going to market. What it will do is tell you how the ‘big boys’ do it. All you have to do is follow the 3-step formula, and keep your FOCUS in check while using your autoresponder.


An autoresponder is an email management tool that provides double opt-in list management, instant follow up, automation of sending series letters on time to each person on the list and more.

Basically it’s your personal assistant and will handle your email requirements automatically once you take a few minutes to set it up.

What is the focus of your advertising??

Think about any and all advertising that you have running right now. Or if you don’t, try to imagine what types of advertising you’d do, and what your ads may say..

In other words, when you advertise online, whether it be safelist ads, traffic exchanges, adwords campaigns, free ebooks, or any other type of online advertising, what is the “focus” of your advertising? What are you trying to DO when you advertise, specifically? When someone sees your ad ‘out there’, what are you asking them to DO in your ad? And where do people GO after clicking on the link in your ad?

The answers I most often get are: “My focus is recruiting, or selling, or sponsoring, or just making more money. The links in my ads are my direct affiliate links to the programs/products I’m promoting.” If any of those terms fit what you’re doing, or what you’re planning on doing, or what you’ve been told to do in the past, we need to change YOUR FOCUS, before you even get started. I would like you to actually be successful here.


There’s only ONE thing, ONE word, that your advertising should be doing for you. That one word is: PROSPECTING. All of your advertising and promoting should be focused exclusively on finding new leads and building your prospect list. That’s IT. That is the front end of your business. That is the top of your marketing funnel. If your advertising is focusing on recruiting, sponsoring and selling, you need to STOP that right now before you spend another dime on advertising.

Now…What we’re going to do is basically create for you, the same formula for success that every internet millionaire uses in order to generate huge dollars online. You see, there really isn’t that much to internet marketing, as far as the actual process goes. Sorry folks, there are no “secrets” or “magic systems”. It’s all marketing, plain and simple. And it all comes down to three simple steps… The simplest success formula, and the simplest visual representation of your marketing formula (without going into details), has three steps:

1. Focus your advertising 100% on building your list using an autoresponder.
2. Build and maintain an ongoing relationship with your list using an autoresponder.
3. Market and upsell to your list using an autoresponder.

Relationship with your list

I know, at first glance that sounds simple and easy, and to some extent, it is. But that’s how the big marketers “do it”. As online marketers, we’ll often hear that the money is in your list. That’s true, but maybe a more accurate statement would be: The money is in YOUR ONGOING RELATIONSHIP with your list. That’s very important to remember because many of us make the mistake of building a list, then just sending ad after ad after ad to our list, hoping that someone will buy whatever it is you’re selling – then they wonder why people keep un-subscribing from their list. That, folks, simply doesn’t work anymore. Something quick to remember while we’re doing this: People don’t like to be sold things, but they sure like to buy!

So we’ve got your basic 3-step marketing plan. In fact sometimes it’s a good thing for your brain to print out that simple 3-step plan and fasten it to your computer monitor. I know it’s only 3 steps right now, but remember, THAT is your focus from now on, so be sure you know those 3 steps mentioned above while using your autoresponder!

SB Mathew

SB Mathew

I am S.B. Mathew and am an Home-based business Entrepreneur working online. I knew that if I stopped working in my job, my income also stops. I realized the importance of residual income and understood the drawbacks of linear income. Being a Computer Engineer, Internet was my second home. Mark Victor Hansen & Robert Allen has written an excellent book, “The One Minute Millionaire”. And I quote from this classic book: “In the whole wide world of money there are only four major ways of becoming millionaire. No matter what your background, you can learn to master one of these areas. We call this the mountain range of wealth. A lot of routes can be taken to the top of each mountain.” I saw that one of the way to the top is Internet. Being familiar with it, I have chosen the Internet Mountain range. In an economy, where, unemployment is increasing, these Internet business models could be a solution. I love to teach, both offline as well as online. I strive to cultivate godliness, honesty and integrity as precious values in my life and am successfully building my online Home-based Internet business.

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  • Daniel

    Excellent post. Building your list is the only way for long term success