
I believe in you.

Why would I say this? Because there was a time, I could not believe in myself, but others believed in me until I could believe in myself. I believe in you even if you are unsure of yourself, through all your struggles and growth pains. I Believe you can take this business, incorporate it into your daily life and soar to great heights with it!

You see, people came into my life, they reached out to me, they give me hope for not just a better tomorrow, but a better today. Every day I continue in my education. Every day I strive for the greater vision. I put in the effort, but, I cannot do this alone. Some days I fight so hard it is like a drowning person reaching for a life preserver.

I am grateful for my family today, even those that have passed on. I am grateful for my health, being a cancer survivor, I realise my life has been extended to this day and beyond. I am grateful for my friends and business partners. I am grateful for a Higher Power, whom I choose to call God. I am grateful for you, taking the time to read my words.

I love this business in particular and believe it to be nothing but good. It does not interfere or conflict with anything in life at all. It is positive, creative and holds much promise. I always look forward to writing a post like this, hoping someone will get helped or encouraged by it. Perhaps this is something that will change your life, you’ll go a new direction, begin a new journey.

I know what it’s like to struggle as a single parent. I know the embarrassment of trying to hide the mountain of bills and debt from the eyes of family members. I’ve been laid off. I know what it’s like to have to cash in a retirement account in order to pay for mortgage, heat, food, medicine. I understand homelessness and utter lack of direction and confusion on the roads of life.

I am also familiar with laughter, joy, breaking through, success. Working hard to build something so great it’s beyond our imaginations. I believe in reaching for something I once perceived as impossible. I have known of people with illnesses and disabilities  overcome limitations.

Friend…..this is your time, your turn, your dream. Don’t let ANYONE fill YOU with doubt, fear and insecurity or label you as something.  We don’t own time, we only have today…..this moment…..right now!

Have a Fantastic Day!



PS. I’ve just been informed we have a Topshelf Marketing Training Workshop/Webinar tonight and it’s FREE! This is Exciting!


Joe Gleissner

Hey friends, I am an ambitious entrepreneur seeking to better myself while helping others. I am a big believer in family and unity, community. Education and inspiration are both extremely important to me. Not just hard work but smart work and fun are where it's at!
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