Who here works very hard, very often? I know I do! I believe in it! I actually like it! It makes me feel good to accomplish something that benefits me as well as others!
I live in NH and trust me, it get’s extremely cold and snowy here, but, right now I am in shorts, a tank top and sandals, feeling the wonderful tropical breeze through the open window after working hard all day. I gave my rare breed dog a cool bath and went swimming to a pond this afternoon. I love the simple things in life as well as in business.
I just have some random thoughts I want to share right now. I want to say that in business I have been the most successful when I worked with someone who has the opposite talents that I have. It seems that this way we do not conflict, yet compliment each other. As a musician, I find this to be reality also as I have the most success with someone with the same goals as I do, yet a different style. We do not clash, we actually compliment each other!
Today, I went to two webinars from two different companies and according to them, I am breaking “blogging rules” right now, but, you see, this is my time, my space. Being a phony just to sell something is not my style. “To thine ownself be true”. I did not get into this industry to do things that I do not like to do or be misleading. I wrote enough college term papers in my time and this is not what I want to do here.
There are a lot of us on these pages that will offer you much information about getting leads and traffic and conversion etc. Eventually, you will through our education, discover, that which works for you and use those tools to create your success. You will have your breakthrough, change of mindset and begin to offer others your experience.
We are in a struggling economy right now, yet, we can thrive, because we can believe in each other, working as individuals and a team. I have found, that through past experience, that those that do not give up or get discouraged and work together become successful in any business. In some cases, your own family may discourage you. Love them, but, don’t let them do that to you. Keep going!
Today, as I bare my soul before you, I have no grudges against anyone or any previous company, even those, that have misled me and cost me a fortune….That’s, not just online. I have been freed from that resentment, that BS. But, that’s a personal story.
You may be open to full time success here, or a side project. What has changed in your life to bring about your pursuit into Greatness? At this second, time has stopped! Because, you are at the right place, at the right time regardless of your situation. Forget your past failures…..it is NOT your fault! The Universe will work in your favor, once you make that decision to begin. That decision is your property, it belongs to you exclusively, yet it will help those around you.
We don’t care, who or what you are, bottom line is….You can do this!
Have a fantastic Day!
Joe and Family 603-361-4557