NPN Updates it’s Video Hosting in Response to Customer Input…

I’ve been using the NPN tool suite for a few years now . I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the ownership of the company as well as giving

you a video peak of the video hosting features in the video below…


The owner of Global NPN is Geoff Stephen. Geoff is also the programmer of the NPN site and a marketer himself.  This is a big

perk for NPN customers as Geoff knows what’s hot in the industry and updates the tools and offerings to continue to provide

the quality tools needed to grow any business at a very competitive price.


Global NPN gets high marks for…

  • Tools are easy to use and work together without the hassles often experienced when trying to use tools  from multiple companies together


  • The tools are upgraded on a regular basis and getting better, stronger, faster all the time (kind of like The Bionic Man and Woman if you are old enough to remember those shows)


  • The company has a strong affiliate program that pays up $100 per month per sale on a recurring basis


  • The company owner is responsive to his customers and affiliates and easy to connect with. (this is extremely important to me)


  • There are over 100 marketing training videos in the back office that new members/customers can plug into


  • The autoresponder tool, called Mail Marketer Pro, is included with the other tools. It’s a fully functional autoreponder including geo targeting so you can see where your subscribers are from. But the most impressive part is that regardless of how large your list grows, the price is topped at $147 a month (and that includes the other tools as well…Domain, audio, and video hosting, tracking, link rotator, instant Word Press blog, page creator, and several others)


  • The video hosting  allows embedding, included Facebook comments, and now allows users to remove the company water mark as you will see in the video below…




The negatives of NPN, if you want to know my personal opinion, are that the website is still a bit ugly in places  and there are some marketing

materials on there that seem outdated.  I believe this is because the brunt of the work is done by one person, the owner, and he focuses on the

tools first and the website second. This, however, is more eye candy than necessity. When you get down to it, it’s the tools that I care about and

the reason I plan to be with NPN for a long, long time.


If you have questions about NPN, let me know in the comments below, and I’ll get them answered for you. If you need tools to help grow your

business, click the links on this blog to get started, and I’ll be here to help you learn the ropes.


See you on the next post,


Sue Hanson signature

I believe we are meant to contribute something to make this world better for us having lived. Contributions come in many shapes and sizes, however, as I've grown and developed as a person and an entrepreneur, I've realized the more we grow the more potential there is for us to contribute. One of my beliefs is by helping people and families to learn to fish rather than just giving them fish, we change this generation and many future generations. For me, teaching people how to become financially self sufficient in a way that allows them to have a stable income, more time freedom, and thus, more opportunity to pursue their personal passions and live their dream lives is very exciting. I do this by helping people learn the skills they need to earn a living as online marketers so they can leverage their time, grow their income, and enjoy a better quality of life. I would love to connect on Facebook or just leave me a comment on one of my posts. Please watch my video...   Please watch my video...
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