Peace… Ilias here,
Have you been needing to sweep your friends
list, but don’t have the time to do it?
When you have 5000 friends, you should easily
be getting hundreds of likes on even your most
mundane posts…
However, your posts are being shown to people
who don’t care about your posts! See how you
can find out exactly whose not engaging with you
in one click right now.
Can you imagine finding out the friends who
don’t engage with your posts, as well the ones
who do, within a few seconds?
Your likes and comments on your posts would
literally skyrocket as only your most engaging friends
would see them!
Here’s how FriendSweeper decides which friends
to “sweep out”:
– How often do they like, comment, or share your posts?
– How often do you like, comment, or share their posts?
– Are their posts spammy?
– Do they have a profile picture?
… plus a bunch of other factors.
This would take you 25 – 30 minutes per FRIEND,
meaning hundreds of hours if you’re looking through
thousands of friends.
Save yourself that time and maximize your
Facebook engagement and time now by getting your
full analysis report right here.
Your friend and mentor,
Skype: ilias.bey
A stay at home dad who does more than just sleep and eat ...