If you think you can, you can.
I remember from my childhood about the little
train that thought he could.
The bigger trains thought he was dreaming, as they
knew from experience he couldn’t.
However the little train knew he could do it and
set out to do just that.
He told himself over and over that he could.
“I think I can” “I think I can.”
Never once did he allow any doubt to cross his
When he started out, everything was easy, as the
railroad was flat and it was easy to pull his load.
He could go around curves and climb the small
hills with ease.
As the big trains saw this they all laughed, as
they knew trouble was just ahead.
There was absolutely no way the little train could
pull his load up the big mountain. The mountain that
had stopped many of them from succeeding.
The little train saw them all laughing at him, he
remained convinced that he could do it.
He kept repeating in his mind that he could. As he
started up the big mountain he soon realized that
this would not be easy. He still believed that no
matter what happened he could do it and kept
repeating to himself, I think I can.
Every ounce of his energy went into his mind that he
knew he could do it. No matter how hard it got or how
much the big trains laughed at him, he just kept
going and going. With all the energy he had and with
all the power he had, he just kept going.
Never once believing he would fail, because he
knew in his mind he could do it.
When he reached the top there was a tremendous
sense of accomplishment, in his whole being.
He had done what no one thought he could do and
from then on, whenever he came to a mountain
he was able to repeat what he had done.
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Thanks and Have a Great Day.
Terrence (Terry) Hopkins