The 7-Eleven effect. My experience with great customer relation.
I was moved to write this blog because of a recent event that happened to me during a visit to a local 7-Eleven. Sometimes we take for granted, the little things that take place or happen to us.
Stop for a moment and reflect on an event that may have moved you, no matter how minute it might have seemed.
A couple of days ago, I was out with my wife. We went to visit my mother-in-law who was sick at the hospital.The visit itself was uneventful. We visited for a bout an hour and a half or so. By God’s grace and mercy, she will be home soon.
On the way back, we got off the crowded highway and took local roads. We made a couple of stops.
I was starving. So, one of the stops was a neighborhood 7-Eleven.
Like i said, I was starving. 7-Eleven was a stop that made a lot of sense. You can find more than a few things with which to fill your belly.
But, the one thing that I wanted more than anything else was…hot dogs!
Well, i didn’t want the 7-Eleven hot dogs. We had hot dogs in the fridge at home. So,I was determined to make my own.
I searched for hot dog buns throughout the store. I went through every single isle. No buns!
We got coffee (my wife loves 7-Eleven coffee).
Disappointed, i went to the counter with the coffee and two other items.
I asked the clerk if they had any hot dog buns. To which he replied…”we don’t carry buns. Sorry”
Needless to say, I was deflated (but this was no deflate-gate…wink, wink).
The 7-Eleven effect. My experience with great customer relation.
Little did I know, the hot dog bun angels were at work that night.
The store manage (God bless her) heard the conversation and asked me…”do you want hot dog buns?”
To which I replied…”yes” (with the excitement of a 6-year-old who is about to open a birthday gift)
The store manager then said to me…”I’ll get you some. How many do you want?”
She went to the storage room and came back with a fresh-looking bag of buns. My eyes lit up!
Oh, the little things that make the big difference! I thanked her profusely.
I don’t know if she realized it. But she made my night with that little gesture. I was grateful.
Two things I realized.:
1. She made me very happy.
2. She made a sale.
I also realized that the buns were not for general sale, but for the store’s use for the hot dogs they sell. This was huge for me!
Her kindness and empathy won me over. No matter how small a gesture this may seem to someone else, to me it meant the world.
I could have easily gone to another bodega or deli to look for buns, but I had no desire to make another stop on the way home.
The 7-Eleven effect. My experience with great customer relation.
…bottom line. The store manager demonstrated great customer service , and showed empathy for my needs at the time.
In life, every once in a while you meet people that do the little things that make the big difference in people’s lives.
Do you know anyone like that? Have you done a little act of kindness that made a big difference in someone’s life?
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