
Thank you for the ad Brent Hieggelke!

The 8 New Principles

Hello Patrick,

The rules of the game have changed for marketers. Relying on old standards was effective for many years, but you can’t engage with consumers in 2015 using tactics from 1965.

That’s why Urban Airship is helping today’s marketers go beyond the basics to meet audiences on their terms. We have updated the cornerstone principles to make them relevant for current audiences in our latest whitepaper, “8 New Principles for Today’s Marketers.”

How to engage customers in meaningful ways that drives sales and loyalty
Why communicating with your audience across multiple devices is key
Why creating moments that matter for your users trumps “reach and frequency” every time
Get your free copy here.


Brent Hieggelke
Chief Mobile Evangelist
Urban Airship

Explode My List!

Motivating gets you going and habit gets you there. Make motivating a habit and you will get there more quickly and have more fun on the trip.
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