Daily Method of Operation (Part One)

What’s life without a few wrinkles and if you are out there living life not just letting life  live you– you probably encounter some unorganized moment and not getting the most important task done first.

The Daily Method of Operation is a powerful reminder to prioritize what need to be done daily. Being creative my mind never run out of idea and those ideas are the key to why I am always busy and doing something.  However, they are not in order as they come, so sorting them out seems to be the challenging part of my day.  I was swamped and I just do whatever come to mind in the past.

I know that’s essential to work efficiently to ensure that I get everything done, but these feeling can be paralyzing and cause havoc in my brain because everything is essential which lead into a panic that actually make me more less productive than productive.

I was constantly researching ways how to be more effective and I tried them, but it is true what work for others may not work for me.   Until I found the one that does work for me this help me by highlighting the basics of time management: how to track, prioritize and log my work so that I can see where the inefficiencies lie and my goals where aren’t being met.

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It showed me how to schedule my tasks and create helpful to-do lists, organize the virtual and physical space around me in order to achieve better focus, train myself in better habits and routines, and work more effectively with everything that I am accomplishing to do.

I will not deny though my brain first reaction rebel against those efforts.  Let’s face it, I am already slammed, why should I expend more of it making lists, planning and executing changes to my work habits and now I have to track my progress also?

With hesitation from my head I started writing and brainstorming those ideas that’s in my head.

When I identify what needs to get done my first step was listing my goals, track my time and schedule my work.

The first on my list is about ” List Your Goals”… I talked to Rebel and formulate what is my daily method of operation. It is like I need to set the performance of my goals. I revisit my goals and wrote them down. The main purpose of this are: to prioritize my daily work and to gauge my progress.

Stay tuned for Part Two… but, it you want to know where I am learning this? Click this link 

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