Foods that “Hum” and “Beckon”

Before I started eating organic fruits and vegetables I didn’t realized the different between foods that hum and foods that beckons.

Do you know how to differentiate the two if you don’t know what you been eating outside?  I betcha you don’t.

I grew up being malnourished so I was not aware the nutrients that I been putting in my body.  To me food is food but I was so wrong.

Then earlier last year I got introduced with eating healthier by cooking our meals and drinking filtered water and within a week I felt the difference.  And to add more to it I always take supplements.

Now, if you look around there are so many billboards that show cases “Fast Food” which contained no nutrients.  What make other people buy foods that has no nutrients?

I came to the conclusion some people are too lazy to cook, because fast foods are accessible and they don’t care what they been putting inside their body.

Soda, fried foods, sweet deserts and not organics carry such a poor quality of nutrients.  These are the foods that are beckoning to me.


While foods that hum to me tell a different story and I felt it last year when there were foods that gave me heartburn, nausea and tightness of my tummy after a couple of bites.

To avoid discomfort I started cooking at home with almost no oil and added organic vegetables to my recipe.

What I also noticed foods that hum my tongue recognized the taste because I found myself taking my time eating.  I got quiet chewing my food and savoring the taste.

It taught me to bring organic fruits when I am out and running my errands.  Observation likewise, even if I am hungry and saw fast food billboards and smell oil, I do not have the desire to stop by and grab whatever is out there.

If anyone wish to get healthier… eat foods that “Hum” not “beckoning”.

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