A tip to keep people following you.

I have noticed in all my years of being online that people will never be honest right away about what they want. I can make a post about being successful online and everyone will comment info or ask what do i do. When i get ready to message them they all just ask info but do not truly know what they want. It took me awhile to understand but they need someone to point them in the right direction. They need guidance and they need to see something on your page or in your blogs or just see something in you that makes them keep coming back.

I am learning that you do not have to have an income to have followers. You need to be a public figure or just someone that people look up to for a sense of believing in something they may not get to so easy. Be yourself and just try not to be fake. Followers have came with me just for being myself. I mean i do not even chase people, others see my success and the way i do business and they tell others about.

Below i have a link to my Facebook page where others can go and just post about their success and their failures. It is a way to let others follow my daily changes and ways i try to make a difference with speaking to others. Do not worry about trying to just make money if you want to make it online trying to build a business. Plant your seeds in your business and not only will your money grow but so will your worth and importance online, and in who you are will grow


My name is Jeremy Dubner. I am currently building my own business in lawncare. I have always had a fascination with working online and a good friend of mine got me involved. I have not stopped since and just joined NPN not even 48 hours ago and i have never felt so welcome.

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  • Steven Higgins

    Nice to meet you.

    • You as well man. i am very glad to be here and make a change in others lives. What more could i ask for!! I love this!