Hey there, Phillip Lopez a.k.a. “Uncle Phil” here.
So this is my first post on this blog with NPN.
I have been blogging over at my official blog called Niches Be Crazy for the past couple of years and have even been able to rank a couple of posts here in there despite not being any SEO expert by any means lol.
So with that being said, here’s a few things I’ve picked up over the years that may help YOU write better blog or Facebook posts (or any kinda copy really) that don’t bore people to tears.
Here we go (come closer):
+ Don’t JUST write for the search engines. It’s most likely that you’re NOT Neil Patel or Brian Dean if you’re reading this. So just try to sound natural rather than spouting off the keyword your focusing on like a broken record lol.
+ Share your stuff on social media right?? But make it easy for people to do so. Give them a reason to share your stuff! There are things like content lockers that you can use to make it worth their while.
+ Include images. Some blogs are SUPER boring and have no personality whatsoever. I mean you DON’T want people falling asleep reading your content right? I’d do that in this post but I’m just trying to get through my training modules lol.
+ Don’t be afraid to be funny. I like writing like I’d talk to a friend or a colleague. It’s not the only way to do things, but I say give it a shot if you haven’t.
+ Make sure and break your sentences up. There’s really nothing worse than seeing a gigantic block of text that seems to go on and on and on…I mean seriously who wants to read some dudes opinions for like a whole paragraph, it really just becomes an eyesore and all you want to say is “Man I can’t believe this dude is still going on and on about this same subject, he really should just quit here but yet here he just keeps going…” and stuff like that if you catch my drift/know what I’m saying.. I mean the last thing you want is to do something that would make people angry.
+ On an unrelated note, use pattern interrupts.
Well I hope these help, have an awesome day.
**Please comment below if you have any additional tips!**
~ Uncle Phil