Referrals can be a YUGE part of any business if done right and aren’t being overlooked. Often times new business owners don’t give this area much thought. Jay Abraham has a great podcast episode where he discusses this in great…
Referrals can be a YUGE part of any business if done right and aren’t being overlooked. Often times new business owners don’t give this area much thought. Jay Abraham has a great podcast episode where he discusses this in great…
Early today I was in a popular business group and some posted… “How would you react to your competition opening up 3 blocks up the road from you?” Watch the video for my answer. Don’t forget to get on my…
Hey martial arts and fitness gym owners! A few years ago I was introduced to the famous, 9 word email. Of course at the time I knew nothing about email marketing and I didn’t know that Dean Jackson was the…
“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist I sometimes get teased by people for being…
Get over it and get to work. I can’t tell you how often I’ve said that to myself and I’m sure you have done the same. We all get in that rut when we are on the verge of something…
Don’t be a puss! So, I have been putting myself out there in the martial arts industry for email marketing services. I have one happy client so far and he wants to hire me for more. He’s also a friend…