Don’t be a puss!
So, I have been putting myself out there in the martial arts industry for email marketing services.
I have one happy client so far and he wants to hire me for more. He’s also a friend who said, “I wanted to give you a chance and you do good work. I want you to succeed and it’s awesome that you are doing this.”
I’m paraphrasing of course.
Contrast that to another friend of mine who said and I quote…
“LOL – dude i have taken dan kennedy’s course and studied a ton of copywriting – no offense I love you – I’m also cheap – i would write my own (emails) before spending $300 LOL. $49 no sweat in a heartbeat, but $300 never happen from me – just who I am.”
Now, at first my reaction to this was anti-abrasive…”So, you paid $1,300/mth for a mastermind that you weren’t getting shit from, along with a bunch of other shit products, and you take one course and think you know what you are doing?”
That was my first reaction.
Then I thought, “How would Shane look at this?”
So I quickly thought about it and realized that his comment gave me insight into the mind of one kind of person in that industry…heck in any industry.
Then I realized. He’s not my target.
- He’s cheap
- He’s “done” copywriting classes
- He doesn’t value his time
- He doesn’t see the value in what I offer OR
- He simply doesn’t have a need for it…
So instead of getting my wee-little feelings hurt and being a puss about it, I need to use his commentary as fuel to light a raging fire.
He wasn’t being mean or anything. He was just being honest (I don’t forget things though).
I know I still have much to learn but I know my value and I know where I want to be. This is all still a work in progress.
It’s now time to “put the pedal to the metal” on my new venture and not let anything get in the fucking way.
So, my message to everyone. The Abrasive Army…Be Great, Checkmate, Fucking Dominate!
If you want to know more about my friend and mentor Shane Hunter come on board and join the Abrasive Army. If you’re fed up with where you’re at then don’t wait.
Grab your seat at the reassuringly expensive table of The Abrasive Masterclass (For Serious People Only!)
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