Knowing many people who are in the Stay Home and Get Rich industry and actually being one of these people myself, I can tell you there are certain strategies that make it a real no-brainer.
I can also tell you that if you do not adhere to these 7 simple strategies and foundational truths, then it becomes almost impossible to Stay Home and make even a little bit of money.
I’ll explain what strategies all of us Home-based Entrepreneurs share that allow us to be very successful while working from the comfort of our homes. You can also use these exact same strategies to do your business right from your laptop anywhere in the world.
Strategy #1 GETTING RICH! This is the number one reason many people want to have a business in the first place. And the perfect business that allows you to Stay Home and Get Rich is an online business versus an offline business. This is because of the numerous amount of people you can reach who will purchase your product or service that you will be offering.
Strategy #2 EMULATE. The easiest way to learn how to do something is to find another person or business that is already doing what you want to do. Then, you simply emulate or copy what they are doing. There is absolutely no need to reinvent the wheel unless you want to go about getting rich the hard way.
Strategy #3 FOCUS! Once you find what it is that you want to do, you must be able to focus on doing it. A To-do list is a great way to keep you on track. Not being focused is one of the biggest reasons most people fail at staying home and getting rich. They find something, they join it, they see a new shiny object and they go chasing that new shiny object. All these people end up getting is exactly what fish get that chase new shiny objects. They end up in a frying pan.
Strategy #4 RINSE AND REPEAT. Once you find what works, just do it over and over – rinse and repeat. Remember, what you are doing only becomes old to you. Keep in mind, the new people who are seeing your information are seeing it for the first time. Also, the people who see your same information several times, just may need to see it several times before they start believing in it – or before it sinks into their brains. Imagine if you only saw an advertisement one time for a new product. More than likely you would not be purchasing that new product.
Strategy #5 CHANGING IT. Do not change what you are doing that is working. You can do some testing on the side to see if your new idea works, BUT… if you are following something that has been working for someone else, adhere to the EXACT same thing that has been working for them. Do not change it because sometimes the slightest little change will cause the biggest difference and even make something that was working totally stop working.
Strategy #6 LEVERAGE! Do a business where you can use leverage to make money. This is truly how to Stay Home and Get Rich. The more you can leverage your business, the more money you will be able to make.
Strategy #7 AUTOPILOT. Once you have your business running smoothly you can simply put it on autopilot. I like to keep this strategy in mind when I’m setting up my business so it is very simple and easy to switch it over to autopilot once it is up and running. One of the best ways of putting your online business on autopilot is using an auto-responder. Think about it… autopilot – auto-responder.
Bonus Strategy! STICKING AROUND! The absolute number one strategy to Staying Home and Getting Rich is sticking around long enough in your business to get rich. This is the number one reason I see people failing day in and day out – especially online. They join one thing and if it doesn’t work in 2 or 3 days, they are onto something else. Then you have the next level of failures. These people stick around a whopping 2 to 3 weeks and figure that is plenty of time to give something a try – this is also instant failure!
You have to stick around long enough for anything to work. Just because you can get instant access to a website or blog online doesn’t mean that a business is going to work instantly or overnight. Give the business at least 6 months to a year to work for you and then you can find yourself among the intelligent and elite people who Stay Home and Get Rich!
So there are the 7 basic strategies and one hugely important Bonus Strategy for Staying Home and Getting Rich. If you would like to know more about any of the strategies covered in this article or would like to see a business that follows these highly effective principles and strategies, there is an excellent video that can be accessed by going to