New Robocop for the New Age

Robocop Screenshot Robocop has been given an extreme remake and Paul Verhoeven’s sci-fi classic now looks promising and delicious! The Robocop suit from the 80’s now spots a modern twist and is now black in color but is however unpopular with fans of the original bulkier shiny metallic Robocop.

Cast and Director of the new Robocop?

Directed by Brazilian filmmaker Jose Padilha, Joel Kinnaman is the choice for the role of police officer turned cyborg cop Alex Murphy who was first made famous by Peter Weller in the 1987 Robocop original.

The modern leaner Robocop is scheduled to burst into action in 2014, but before that, why not have a sneak peek at the first official trailer for ‘Robocop’ courtesy and credits to ColumbiaPicturesPhils

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