Free Local Marketing

Often overlooked, one free local marketing method is local listing in a business directory. There are many listing directories available and you should have your business listed in as may as possible.

Search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo have updated their algorithms to prioritize local results from search queries. If you are not listed in local directories, you will likely be missing out on highly coveted natural search engine traffic.

While brick-and-mortar business owners have been using local business directories for ages, many Internet based businesses have been missing the boat. Traditional advertising media like print, radio and television are pushed aside in favour of social media, article marketing, back links and other SEO marketing tactics.

Just because some traditional marketing may seem too segmented, or too expensive, does not mean that all local marketing methods should be ignored. A business listing in a local directory has several benefits for all business types, such as…

  • Quick Set-up
  • Low Cost – Usually Free
  • Targeted Audience
  • Permanent Advertising
  • Optional Premium Enhancements

Every local directory that you are listed in is another opportunity for a new customer or prospect to discover your business. In most cases your listing will be a static showcase with some basic information about your products and services, your location and your hours of operation. However, not all local business directories are created equal.

One very interesting discovery that I made recently is WomTown, powered by WomVegas. They have a very unique system that will bring social media traffic to your listing right away. Their methods are too involved for me to get into the details in this post but I will cover them in the near future.

Get Your Business Noticed On Social Media …Now!

For now, I will highly recommend that you at least create a free listing in the WomTown directory by entering Promo Code 38668 at and start benefiting from their free local marketing today.

My mission is to help people realize that they can make a fortune online without going broke in the process. As a full-time truck driver and old-fashioned family man, I appreciate the challenges that most people face when starting an online venture. My philosophy is simple... Success comes from Learning and Doing then Teaching.

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