
Geoff Stephen GlobalNPN.com Review

I have been a member of Geoff Stephen’s GlobalNPN,com also known as TheNPN.biz. (The New Plan Network), for over 10 years.

My review is going to be the truth as I see it. And No there will not be any bate and switch hooks like some wealthy affiliate bloggers do. I despise those.  

Not only was I a member of GlobalNPN, but I used the tools religiously. 

Yes I Highly Recommend GlobalNPN.

When I started with GlobalNPN around 2007, the company provided the basic tools that marketers need in order to succeed online. Back then Facebook and other social media giants, weren’t so giant. So your main source of building your contact list, following up with that list to make sales was email marketing. 

Email marketing still beats out Facebook and all other forms of social media a 100 times over (my numbers (-:) 

So in 2007 GlobalNPN was already approaching it’s 3 year mark. 3 years was nothing to scoff at. Online marketing tool providers were coming and going back then, many never lasted for more than a year.  

If my memory serves me right in 2007 GlobalNPN compensation plan was built around the MLM forced matrix concept. You could join GlobalNPN (TheNPN.biz) for $10.75 any direct personal referrals would bring you $5 a month each. Then as your matrix filled, you earned a % on each level. And I also believe we had a bronze, silver and gold level. Gold being the highest level with the highest payout.

Personally I liked the matrix concept, but some 5 years or so down the line, Geoff would remove the MLM concept and change it to an affiliate commission structure.  But not before GlobalNPN dabbled in the 100% commissions arena.

You may recall when 100% commissions programs really started hitting it hard with programs like Infinity Downline and Empowernetwork. Millions were made between these and other like programs. But none really provided any true value. And of course Empowernetwork went on to drop the 100% member to member and infinity downline changed it’s name to National Wealth Center. Neither resemble anything like they did when the first launched.

I believe Geoff Stephen saw the potential of 100% commission programs and like many program owners, realized that it would not be a sustainable business concept.  I strongly believed that Geoff Stephen has always done what’s best for both the company and it’s affiliates. 

As a professional online marketer, I can’t give GlobalNPN’s MaiMarketerPro full justice. And I truly mean that. 

The Tools.

Let’s start with the autoresponder.  The autoresponder is called MailMarketerPro and is part of GlobalNPN, as matter of fact, one single log in gives you access to everything, and I do mean everything. We’ll cover more of the tools later.

MailMarketerpro (MMPRO) is in my opinion the #1 tool in the GlobalNPN tool suite.

  • Unlimited subscribers.
  • Unlimited List
  • Unlimited emails (send as many emails to as many subscribers as you want)
  • Image hosting.
  • Things you can do that I have not found in any other autoresponder.

The single opt-in. Some big name autoresponders like Aweber and Getresponse do allow single opt-in, but at a price.  Stats show that about 60% will not even confirm their email if using double opt-in. Now this too could depend on how good your offer is and how bad the subscriber wants to get access to it. The problem is subscribers have come immune to “Free Reports” and “Free Downloads” etc… that they no longer head to their inbox to confirm. If you don’t give them access instantly, you could lose them for good. (There’s video training on how to use a hidden double opt-in that works even better than single opt-in).

For internet marketers starting out, they don’t worry too much about how big their list gets, after all “The Money Is In This List” is constantly pounded into their heads. A good squeeze page will pull in leads and those that are in for the long haul will find their contact list build to 5, 10K in no time. The last thing a marketer needs to worry about is the rising cost of their autoresponder service. 

While there are flat rate autoresponders, all of them that I’m aware of are forced double optin and lack many features and are not user friendly.

You could venture into self hosted autoresponders, but prepare yourself for a stiff learning curve. And even then most STMP mailers will charge you by the number of emails you send per month. For example build a list of 5000 subscribers (very easy to do), mail them 3 times a week and you’re looking at around 60,000 emails a month.

GlobalNPN.com MailMarketerPro is by far one of if not the best autoresponder I have ever used when it comes to building a big list and staying in contact with that list. Flat rate, No surprises, And delivery is extremely high.


Hello Thank You for stopping by to check out the about me section. My name is Brian Davis, I’m married to my beautiful wife the former Estrella Dublin from Leyte, Philippines, for 26 short years. We have 2 sons, Justin and Jonathan.
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