
Trump and Biden have a funnel baby.

Hey it’s Brian Davis here. It has been a while since I sent you a manual email. I say manual, because you may have gotten the pre written messages I setup in my autoresponder, the auto magically send out.

I don’t have to tell you that it seems like a new funnel builder is launched every 15 minutes. There are 100’s of them out there.

Some of those funnel builders will mesmerize you with fancy sales videos and influential endorsers. They’ll even make you feel that you can create a 1,000,000.00 sales funnel with one click, as easy as sending an email.

But we all know the picture in the ad, almost never looks the same in reality.


What I have used (since 2007) https://globalnpn.com/site/?id=76514&tag=email

As a matter of fact, it’s what I’m using right now to send this very email that you’re reading.

And I don’t want to overwhelm, but here’s a sneak peak at some of the training and lead magnets you get, now you know why I’ve been a member for more than 13 years.

Getting Started Manuals

“Welcome to NPN” Guide

NPN Marketing Manual #1

NPN Marketing Manual #2

Getting Started Manual

Your Marketing Focus

Getting Started Videos

Getting Started Video

IM Basic Video Training (2 Videos)

“The GlobalNPN 4-Step Formula”

“The GlobalNPN 90 Day Plan”

Lead Magnet Videos

IM Basic Video Training (2 Videos)

“The GlobalNPN 4-Step Formula”

“The GlobalNPN 90 Day Plan”

Copywriting, words that sell

Maximum Impact Blogging

SEO 101

It’s up to YOU!

Increase Your Optins

Videos)Copywriting Training

Copywriting, words that sell

Blogging Training

Blogging Video Training

Maximum Impact

Optimization Video Training (10 Videos)

Mindset Training

It’s up to YOU!

Mindset Video Training (8 Videos)

Bonus Training

Product Creation Video Training

Outsourcing Video Training

Publishing Video Training

Increase Your Optins

Content Curation Video Training (9 Videos)

Perfect Lead Followup

Hidden Double Optin

NPN Backoffice Training

NPN Autoresponder

NPN Instant Blog

NPN Domain Hosting

Multi Ad Tracker

NPN Capture Creator (3 Videos)

NPN Web Audio NOW

NPN URL Rotator

NPN Leads Manager

NPN Video Uploader

NPN Architect Page/Funnel Builder (11 videos)

Executive Mastery Training

This section is available to our Executive Level Paid Members only. If you are in your trial period you will have access when your account is fully paid.

Traffic Training

List Building Master Class Video

Solo Ads Video Training (9 Videos)

Facebook Traffic Video Training (9 Videos)

Youtube Traffic Video Training (10 Videos)

HashTag Traffic Video Training (9 Videos)

Marketing Training

Market Research Video Training (10 Videos)

Keyword Research Video Training (9 Videos)

Affiliate Marketing Video Training

CPA Video Training (7 Videos)

Podcasting Video Training (11 video)

By the way, I’m also close to launching a new funnel, and if you’re an active member on my GlobalNPN team, you’ll get a special notification from me, before I launch to the public.

Here’s a sneak peak at one of the squeeze pages. I still have some coding work to do, but it’s coming along nicely.


Hit reply if you have any questions. 

Brian Davis.

P.S. don’t forget to lock this in right now https://globalnpn.com/site/?id=76514&tag=email

Hello Thank You for stopping by to check out the about me section. My name is Brian Davis, I’m married to my beautiful wife the former Estrella Dublin from Leyte, Philippines, for 26 short years. We have 2 sons, Justin and Jonathan.