Hey I’m back…one thing about the younger ones – they sleep in much longer than us older folk – so I’m going to post until everyone is awake today.
Now – plans going forward? Well, some time ago – another business friend of mine introduced me to this resource “MLM Recruit on Demand”. And while I don’t want to spend a ton of time pitching or promoting it here, right now – it’s pretty good if not rather great at least at the “P1” level which is a one-time $15.00. You can get in and check it all out for FREE if you’d like and then if you want to upgrade you can do that and what you get for the $15.00 is 100 leads, loaded into a contact manager of past and former MLM types or Network Marketers.
Click Here to check out MLM ROD
This is important because this is really your BEST “target market” for any direct sales or “M.L.M.” type company because these people have at least at one-time and maybe even currently participated in this business model so they are receptive or at least, at one time are or were. You get their email addresses and phone numbers if you’re really bold.
Now, I thought of a rather passive way to try these out and remember – all you need whether it’s SBC or CTFO is 3-5 really committed partners to get, and keep this thing rolling. In fact, you really DO NOT want people who are not committed aka “tire kickers”. They’ll just create “dead spaces” in your matrix anyway.
So, the first thing I did was create a 1-2-3 passive “manual” email technique to reach out and see if I could tickle these prospects and I did a little instruction video here. You’ll get to hear my speech after 4 years of speech therapy…not too bad but still a little bit of “Daffy Duck” in there? lol
Here is that YouTube instruction.
This video, I made for my partner in TN so he could get to testing this approach. Now, with MLM Rod, every time your refer someone for free, you get 5 more leads and if you’re really aggressive and bold…learn how to phone prospect and call all 100 leads and make notes of it? They’ll replace your 100 leads every time you call 100 leads so you really have “leads for life here” if you’re okay with making calls. Most people cannot, will not, or do not want to make calls because it’s a bit brutal and intimidating…not too mention frustrating especially you don’t really know if not experienced and trained just as in any other profession.
I was once a rather accomplished phone prospector and recruiter but this little oral cancer thing sort threw a wrench into that as my mouth gets real dry after talking for 5-10 minutes much less phone prospecting for 1-2 hours a night.
So this really put the challenge in front of me – how might I be able to do this without the power of the phone (the most powerful method of all)? And here we are – this is what I’m working on and I think we’re really onto something and it will be pretty important since so many people really do hate the idea of heavy duty phone prospecting
I mean, should it be that someone with a speech challenge or impediment not be able to build a successful network marketing business? I don’t think so!
And, if we so well with some of our tests and methods – we’ll share it with the team as well as sharing those that don’t. While our income improves and increases, we’ll re-invest a full 50% back into to testing and tracking new traffic resources, services and so forth and reporting on it right here.
Now…after the “how to” video on passive emailing (or gmailing really) – my friend and I decided to do a video that would go out in email #1.
Here it is – get ready, more Daffy Duck imitations!
Okay, in the next post – I’ll share with you the three emails and something else passive and “sort of” unique – I think. Remember, you’re just tickling about 100 folks at least 3 times passively trying to get your minimum of 3 recruits into CTFO, SBC or whatever else you’re doing.
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