Man, these youngsters really sleep in don’t they? Good for the blog, not so good for us jumping on the Harley and hitting the road back to the “Tri-Cities” of Washington state. Yesterday we rode over to Whidbey Island and over “Deception Pass”…and it was a beautiful day for ride. Wow – breathtaking scenery and fun roads to ride on plus, my wife got to ride on the ferry.
Anyway, someday they’ll (the youngsters) appreciate the beauty of waking up early. Hell, I thank the God Lord every morning “I wake up on the right side of the grass” as my father-in-law likes to say.
Okay – in this post I said I’d share with you samples of the three emails we are starting to send out to the prospects from MLM Rod.
Now, here is an extra step if you want to do it. Yes, this is some work…probably between 1/2 – 1 hour per day once you get going and good at it. But…the idea is you’ll be doing it for about 1 month and then – you turn your focus to helping your three to five new recruits do the exact same thing and thus, you get good active players and your matrix stays healthy, robust and earning the kind of income you really want!
Special Bonus! If you’ve made it this far, and you’re going to do this passive promotion process – and you get our 100 leads from MLM Rod, I’ll even set up a super fancy spreadsheet for you. All you’ll have to do is export them (the instructions are easy and send them to me in an email and I can set up your spreadsheet probably within 24-48 hours depending on how busy I am or whether we’re traveling. The spreadsheet gives you another level of tracking and keeps you from having to do a bunch of extra clicking around online. Plus, it will give you a sense of progress and how you’re doing on your initial 30 day “push”. I know it will improve over time as others use it as well. Just contact me if you’ve set up an MLM ROD account and want the spreadsheet (might as well send me your downloaded leads at the same time).
Sorry…back to the emails etc. Now, this process is set up that you email 10 prospects on day #1, then you send email #2 to those on day #2 and 10 new email #1’s. Then on day #3 you email your first group the third and final email, the group of 10 from day #2 the email #2’s and then 10 new prospects on day #3. Unless you want to do more (but you most likely do not want to because once you step up the volume like some people do with bulk emailing via gmail its start tripping s.p.a.m. triggers and your emails won’t be getting through anyway). It’s kind of defeating the process.
Here’s a little table that may make it more clear.
Day 1 10 Emails (#1)
Day 2 10 Emails (#1) 10 Emails (#2)
Day 3 10 Emails (#1) 10 Emails (#2) 10 Emails (#3)
By now, you’v sent your 3 emails to your first 10 and you’re done.
Day 4 10 Emails (#1) 10 Emails (#2) 10 Emails (#3)
It will take you ten days to email everyone at least once.
Assuming you only email 5 days a week (M-F) you can be done in a little over two weeks!
Now here is a little “optional” trick for follow up #2. You can do it alone or in addition to the day #2 email. You may even decide to do it as your last act for each prospect.
Here are two resources to check the type of phone line theses prospect have:
White Pages Reverse Phone Lookup
You can check is see what each prospects phone line “type” is…landline or cell phone (there’s a spot to annotate this in the spreadsheet). If the phone number is a cell phone you can optionally “bump” the prospect with a text.
Alright, finally onto the sample emails and sample texts.
Here is Email #1, you’ll notice there is personalization by first name
and also the company in which MLM ROD says that they were once
or maybe even currently are involved.
Subject: Performing maintenance Kevin, Xango yes/no?
Hi Kevin,
We are cleaning up our databases and checking to see if this is still a
good email address or not.
You and I might have both once been involved with Xango or,
some other program or service related to it I’m guessing.
Are you still active with anything? My business partner and I just
did a little YouTube video that we’re sharing with folks:
Give us some honest feedback!
Contact Dave or Kevin
M3 Solutions
Here is Email #2, again some minor personalization with first
Subject: Good news Kevin, you didn’t “bounce”!
Hello again Kevin,
Yesterday we sent you an email to find out if our database
still had a good email address.
Well, everything looks okay!
Did you get a chance to view the video?
How about the website with the buttons? Did you click both
buttons one and two?
Any questions? Just let us know.
Contact Kevin or Dave
M3 Solutions
Here is optional Text #2
Just is case my email isn’t getting through…are you
still active or looking? Reply STOP to Stop
Choose whatever URL / Link above that you want them to visit.
Here is Email #3
Subject: This is it Kevin….
Okay, we’ve verified your email is good to go and –
followed up yesterday.
So we just thought we’d check in one last time to see if
you reserved your f.r.e.e. position or taken advantage
of your F.R.E.E. new business?
Seeing is believing so PLEASE give it a shot!
Just smack both buttons 1 & 2 on this page –
We’re looking forward to helping you get started and
sharing with you exactly what we’re doing and why so
many are enjoying such much success even if they
have failed in the past.
To Your Success,
Dave and Kevin from…
M3 Solutions
Then, you can decide if you want to also send a final, follow up
text. If by now they haven’t engaged – they’re probably unlikely
to. If I was still comfortable with my speech and didn’t dry out
so much, at this time I might actually try and call and follow up
and make it real simple…more like you’re just checking their
information etc. “Hi, Kevin – I was just following up mainly to
verify this is a good number to reach you” for example…and if
you actually get the prospect to answer you, engage and talk about
what you’ve been sending. Or, if you get a voice message you might
say “Hi Kevin, just checking in – I’ve sent you a couple emails
(and even a text – if applicable) and maybe they’re going to
your junk folder. My name is Kevin if you want to know what
I’m doing – give me a ring…888-552-6006 or visit this website.
For the next blog —- we’ll start posting more on resources,
results and more.
Oh…and come back and/or bookmark this page – Next, as a
minimum I’ll be discussing how 3Steppers is an incredible
FREE resource for building your CTFO Business!