Hi, looking forward to chatting it up some about what to most of us is a real “love / hate” relationship with the MLM business model right?
To give full credit for our source of discussion – I signed up for a FREE – 365 days of “inbox motivation” provided via the aweber autoresponder (of course) and supplied by Peter Wolfing.
If you want to get this delivered to our inbox yourself: Click Here
Rumor has it, I have an opinion on everything (just ask those closest to me especially my wife) so I thought it might be cool to start some banter about the daily “motivators” that hit my inbox. Make sense? Do you agree or disagree? Do you have something to add? Is the motivator a little blah (sort of like this first one)?
Here goes – inbox motivator #1 exactly as supplied by Mr. Wolfing:
Inbox Motivator Tip #1
Just because you bought a business opportunity, it will forever be a business ‘opportunity’ and not a business if you sit and do nothing. This is not Unit Trust or Mutual funds or a Fixed Deposit Savings Account. The money doesn’t grow by you becoming a distributor. The more you invest doesn’t mean you will necessarily earn more
First off…a little secret – the tips started coming in a few days ago so don’t be like me and be too disappointed with this one okay? He’ll probably have a few more “stinkers” but there’s going to be some good ones also rest assured! I guess not to be too harsh – this one just seems to be a little obvious but then again maybe only to this old semi-jaded warrior?
So, when I read this one I sort of thought – “Umm, Peter – I thought it was me that was the master of stating the obvious”? But there are sort of some hidden nuggets here I suppose…this is another way to suggest you need to take consistent action to get results and…just because you pump money into the thing also doesn’t mean you are guaranteed results. Unless you really, really know what your doing, your marketing resources are tested, you know how to track and so forth – you can easily be throwing you money right down the drain!
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