Why the Heck Did that Happen?

Ever wonder why things sometimes go all wonky?

It drives me nuts.

I’m using an app, system or website and things work a certain way and it works all the time.

Then all of a sudden it doesn’t.

Things work differently.

Pushing this button used to do this, now it does that.

It’s one of the most aggrevating things I deal with when it comes to computers.

That’s why I hate changing things.

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New is NOT good.

New screws everything up.

Especially when it’s something that you’ve been using for a while and the change is for some purpose it’s impossible to fathom.

Passwords are probably the worst.

I finally solved that one when I got 1Password.

I’m not sure it that’ll work for you, but it served my purposes splendidly.

I highly recommend you get something like that to handle your passwords.

As for the changes to perfectly good stuff?

You can either take your chances or do what I did.

I put all of my marketing tools (and hosting) under one roof.

This way, I only have one site to login to, all the tools have the same format and I only have one customer support team to deal with.

I don’t know about you, but I like easy.

The easier the better.

I just don’t need all the aggravation caused by simple things that don’t work right.

So I made my life easy.

One login, one format and one place to go for everything I need to build a solid business online.

Go here if  ya wanna relieve a ton of frustration

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...

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