It’s Possible To Make Money Online

There are many people in our society who think that it’s not possible to make money online. They believe that there are only scammers online. And if you’re making money online, you must be one of them. Nothing is further from the truth:  While it’s true that there are scammers out there and you need to be careful; there are great mentors who truly want to help those who are serious about learning how to do online marketing.

Online marketing is not an easy task, but it’s legitimate. It takes a lot of training, the right mindset, and a lot of perseverance. Anyone who is willing to be trained, to follow instructions, and be focused on it, can do it; that includes women Baby Boomers.

There are already tons of people making a living online. Facebook alone reached One million members in 2012. How many of them are marketers? I tend to believe that at least 10% of them are making money online.

The world is becoming more and more automated. The trend is that businesses, in the near future, will have to either adapt to the new technology advances or die.

WOMEN, it’s time to get into the automation trend. Come join me in Better Women Network, and I’ll help you get started, guide you along the way, and celebrate with you each time you make a sale.


Please, read my Earnings Disclaimer.


Thank you for visiting my blog. Well, believe it or nor I’m originally from Brazil, but I married to an American and have lived in California for the past 14 years. When I first came to America, I was able to work at some regular jobs as a secretary, a teacher’s aide, and an interpreter. However, at the end of 2009, I found myself without a job and competing with a younger generation. Get the picture? Today, I’m very thankful I found Better Women Network, a concerned group of women supporting and mentoring other women, regardless of their age, to help them learn how to make money online using an online platform called Global NPN. Please, read my Earnings Disclaimer.
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  • I like the way you state it as it really is Ligia –  ” It takes a lot of training, the right mindset, and a lot of perseverance.”   It is good to be honest and real – not telling people they will be rich within a month!

    • Thanks, Corinne. The fact is that there is no magic wand. Even when you work with a team that is as supportive as Better Women’s Network is, you still need to do your part.

    • That’s correct, Corinne. We aren’t here to deceive anyone. It’s possible to make money online, but contrary to what some people might think it takes hard work to do so.

  • A great reminder Ligia. If you put in the work you will see the results and having a great team around you is so important. Thanks.

    •  Definitely, Cate. It’s very important to have a team that really supports you.

  • Luba Kanch

    I also like the way you state this:
    ” It takes a lot of
    training, the right mindset, and a lot of perseverance.” 

    You can apply this to any business.
    If you want success it is important to apply those things online or off.
    Well done – love the post!

    •  You right, Luba. To be successful we need to put in the effort and the necessary work. Thanks for stopping by.