How to keep inspired or motivated in Online Business

backyardWe all have moments when we lose hope or motivation to accomplish our dreams and desires and we start to search how to keep that spark alive! Some lovely women from Better Women’s Network have  inspired me to write a very important blog as so many tips can be applied not only to an online business but even your daily life. Thank you ladies!

Although women especially love to be encouraged and cuddled and all that lovely stuff, I personally have learned,
no matter how much support and love I receive, I can only rely on myself and I remind myself I am responsible for where I am. Of course I am grateful for the encouragement I receive and the support networks I have:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Better Women’s Network

And many others that you will find in lists below…

But the buck stops with ME! I am aware I need to make the choices for me and I need to be responsible for my actions. So the following tips are what I use to keep motivated.

Create your own list and discover what makes it happen for you!

yard It’s important to firstly be aware of why you are not motivated and then create your list. Yes – personal development way to get to the core! Remember this is not for just personal development lovers but those who want to develop good healthy business strategies as well. We all learn different strategies and different things work for different people. However there are standard strategies that are recommended to head towards success through important and credible organizations, such as Better Women’s Network.

I hope that any tips I have created will not offend anyone as my personal number 1 rule that I believe in and have had success in is to tell myself: “I take complete responsibility for myself”
For me this statement is important as the power of success lies with me. If I was to say others are responsible, I am giving that power away. Like I said before “The buck stops here”.

So what do I do? I surround myself with everything that gives me the vibration I need and want, including the waterfalls I see from my front door (above) and the lovely trees I see from my backyard.
Being grateful for everything is an important part of my life that has ended up opening beautiful doors!


  • Feel a little overwhelmed and worried
  • Not getting success as fast as you want
  • I am not having enough support in business
  • I have no support at home


  • Take complete responsibility for yourself.
  • Feel better about the journey ahead by getting inspired daily
  • Create goals or action plan for the day and for the week
  • Have your action plan hand written on your white board
  • Create a vision board where you work and hang up all that inspires you!
    • Happy Family / Kids
    • Ocean
    • Dolphins
    • Boats
    • Your goals
  • Hang up a motivational poster
  • Make yourself laugh at least once a day – go to YouTube watch a comedy, or read a joke
  • Go for a walk or a run
  • Go and do a favorite activity such as playing Golf
  • Talk to your best friend
  • Surround yourself with the things you love








Start YOUR day with AWESOME!

you know how now!

No I am not calling anyone a brown cow!
– First laugh of the day complete! :O)


Best wishes,

Poifile LK

P.S This post will get updated from time to time as Inspiration is such an important and open topic!



Copyright © 2013 Luba Kanch



Welcome to my Global NPN Blog! My name is Luba. For as long as I can remember I have had a passion to help ordinary people have extraordinary results! INSPIRATION was something I wanted to do to the world! But how? My journey started many years ago with the Law of Attraction and being apart of things I enjoyed doing, such as exploring Networking businesses, yoga, art and living life and having the time to do the things I wanted to do! Many people I came across were sick of doing what they have always done and were after a change where they could have more control over what they do in life and when! I finally found the way that I could INSPIRE many women with the support of a Better Women's Network that support each other through the building of their businesses. We are a TEAM and INSPIRE each other week after week! Global NPN is an important tool to our success, and is open to men and women. Fellas - stay tuned you can join me in Global NPN, but a Men's Network will appear soon so you too can received the support required for success online --> stay tuned fellas. If any of you ladies out there need that change and would like to be a part of Better Women's Network, contact me today and we will OPEN A DOOR OF OPPORTUNITY for you! Remember as the famous quotes goes: "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got!"   Best wishes - Luba. CONNECT with me via Facebook ......BETTER WOMEN'S NETWORK EARNINGS DISCLAIMER
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  • Thanks for sharing those inspirational tips, Luba! You surely are a motivational girl. I appreciate you.

    • Luba Kanch

      Thanks Ligia.
      I felt it was definitely an important topic to cover for most people.
      Life would never be the same without inspiration!

  • Fantastic Luba! I’ll be coming back to this post for sure 🙂 

    • Luba Kanch

       Glad its been of benefit Melanie! Thank you for commenting :O)