Updated January 11, 2013
This is from an email that I originally sent out to my team in November 2012. If you are not in Penny Matrix, join me by clicking here . When signing up by clicking Sign Up, please make sure that goteam is in Your Sponsor box. goteam is me.
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Penny Matrix Team!
I don’t want to keep anything secret. Most of you are from my finding you on Social Networks. On the first part of this recorded call, Steve Anderson asks me to tell all that I am doing to sponsor so many people on every continent of the world.
There are a few things you may not realize with Social Networking even though you are on Social Networks like Bizoppers, SWOM, and even Facebook. Truth be known…. Most people do not understand Social Networking. For an example, where I found you, hardly anyone posts daily, so that tells me that only a few are on there daily looking for information or promoting their business. So, to successfully tap in to this market, I realized over a year and half ago, that the way to do Social Networking is to friend request as many people as possible daily. I see so many people claiming they are successful with Social Networking, yet they have less than 50 friends in their friends list. When they post to their walls, only their 50 friends see their marketing message and then they wonder why they are not successful on social networks. I have 7,761 friends on Bizoppers alone and I am not satisfied that I have contacted enough people yet. There are 100s of thousands of more people that I can contact there and I plan to contact them all eventually.
Here is my DMO (Daily Method of Operation).
#1 I click the link to find new friends. I pull up an entire list of new potential friends and right click on each one of them and open in a new tab as rapidly as possible and click Connect with every single one of them. I don’t care who they are, what they are doing, where they are… I friend request them. People are basically the same around the world. Cultures and languages may differ, but underlying principles of human life are the same. Everyone has the same basic dreams, goals, and desires that everyone has. To provide for their families, to make a better way for them, and reach goals, dreams, and desires. So, friend request everyone.
#2 As soon as they accept my friendship, I send out a Private Message Only no matter what language they write their profile in. I go and use Google Translate to translate the message in to their language. I DO NOT post on other people’s wall. Here’s why, a person’s wall is their private billboard where they can share their message and business with THEIR OWN Friends List. So, if I were to blast my message onto their wall, that would be rude and would intrude on their efforts to reach their friends list with their message and business. It annoys me that people with 18 contacts come on to my wall to steal my time in building my friends list to contact my thousands of friends. That is called “pooping in my kitchen” in social networking lingo. When I Private Message people, notifications are sent to their main email account. So, there it is more likely that they will notice that I have sent them a message on the Social Network. As in any form of marketing, as long as we remember that it takes a certain number of people to share the message with to get a YES, then we realize that we must continue doing what it takes to get that next YES.
#3 I save a copy of the profile and each message sent and received from the social network contact so that I can serve them with proper information. When you have thousands of contacts like me, you’ll want to be able to have data at hand to be able to properly serve people as I have with you. I have thousands of Word Documents to help me keep up with it all in the Friend’s name so that I can easily retrieve what I am looking for.
#4 I keep an Excel Spreadsheet with lines containing date contacted, name, where you are from. This helps me readily find out when I contacted you with what message. I also keep a copy of the message in a comment in Excel and when I tweak my message, I add in a new comment containing the new message that I am sending out. That way, I can quickly reference what I sent to a number of people that I have listed in my Excel Spreadsheet.
#5 Never get discouraged. You may send out hundreds of messages before getting a response. It is important to keep going no matter what. Only the YESES count, the No’s and No Responses do not. So keep going!
Set a schedule of dedicated time for promoting your business each day. Treat this as if it is your job. You are your own employer. If you do nothing, that is what you will get. If you work hard, the rewards are just around the corner. You can do it!
Plug in to all upline leadership calls and trainings. Plug in to all corporate calls and trainings.
Never arrive in sponsoring! Don’t say… well I got my 2, now I can sit back. Chances are your first two are not really your two that will propel you forward in business. The Winners sponsor 10, 15, 25, 50, 100 … what ever it takes. The more people you personally sponsor, the more 100% matching checks you will earn. So, don’t stop!!
Don’t Stop Believing! The Winners Never Stop! We know that the next big leader could be found with the next paid distributor that we find. In my networking career, a couple of decades ago, I sponsored someone who sponsored 389 people on his first day in the business with me. That grew into a huge team fast! At another time in my networking career, I set a single day sponsoring record of 19 people in one day. If you put your mind to it, and stick to it, you can acheive any level of success! But, you have got to have a dream, you’ve got to have a desire, you have to have a plan of action and stick to it….. NO MATTER WHAT!!!
So, as I close out this message, I want to know WHO among you will be the next one to step up to the plate and sponsor as many and MORE people than me! Let ME KNOW!! I want to hear from you! Put your stake down and don’t let anyone, anything stop you until you acheive the level of success you desire!
Let’s GO!
I am waiting to hear from you!
My Penny Matrix link is When joining be sure goteam is in YOUR SPONSOR box.
My Bizoppers Link is
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Have a Great Day!
Lyle Alexander