Is Team Work The Carrot?

I see so many advertisements to come “join my team, this is the way to build your organization, we recruit for you and many other carrots”.  Yes I have fell for some of them, OK quite a few of them, until one day it dawned on me that it was just another way of suckering you in. Do I believe in team work, you bet your boots I do, for team work is the cornerstone of any business, it’s part of the foundation, SOLID, but you choose carefully how you go about joining a team, here is a couple of hints:

1. Get yourself a mentor, some one that you gain trust in for yourself and them, it’s a two way street.

2. Once you find that trust, Oh how do you do that, simply by talking, Telephone, Skype, E-mails and the  social medias out there. I find that the Telephone separates the tire-kickers from the real deal. 

3. Most people are scared of the Telephone as if it was the plague, please don’t be, it is really a very useful tool and you should use it. Remember when you were dating, Did you use the Telephone to make your sale!

Hopefully you will see that this is the foundation for your TEAM.

Save your money use the Telephone!

Best Regards,


731-676-6175  No Sales Calls Please!

Retired from manufacturing management, 40 years in that rat race, former United States Marine (SEMPER FI) 4 years, Sport Pilot Experimental Aircraft Association member, Bass Fisherman, Married, 6 grandchildren, (yep you can send them home!) and I love doing my homebased business because it supplements my income very well. Live in Tennessee, but like to travel with my wife!

Latest posts by William Stoner (Posts)

  • Great post Bill 😉 I have definately experienced the difference in moving forward with my business by having personal commuication with both my mentors and my downline – Good stuff!