Why oh Why Do We Make It So Hard?

I have been doing this Internet thing now for going on 5 years and I made it so hard on myself! Honestly I did, I bounced all over the different programs I ran across, program after program, throwing bad money after bad money, well enough is enough! Does this sound familiar, I truly hope it does, if I can just get one person to stop and see what they are doing with their Internet life. No you don’t have to believe my story but it is true, I have been in Global N.P.N. 4 times, YES 4 times, now it’s working, why. 

A simple solution, I found a family, no not a team but a group of folks that get together just about every Saturday morning and chat about building their business, not some one else business but our own! Not someone else downline but our own! My family is called the K.I.S.S. Income Group, we honestly show you how to utilize free safelist ads to build your business.

No you don’t have to join my Global N.P.N. business, but should you decide to join our family, I would welcome you with open arms, Till Next Time, http://trck.me/170200/



Retired from manufacturing management, 40 years in that rat race, former United States Marine (SEMPER FI) 4 years, Sport Pilot Experimental Aircraft Association member, Bass Fisherman, Married, 6 grandchildren, (yep you can send them home!) and I love doing my homebased business because it supplements my income very well. Live in Tennessee, but like to travel with my wife!

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