
Ok. I’m going public with this, no turning back now. What am I talking about? I am talking about a book that I recently read and am re-reading called The Secret. It has been out for a while and most people have seen it, and a lot of people have read it or seen the movie or both. Well, I am a little behind the times and just am getting around to reading it. Actually, it was right on time because I was ready for it. Sadly, it also is a book that is not applied by most of those who have read it. I will not get into everything that is in the book. I will only say that it is a life-changing book IF it is applied. Just like anything else, having knowledge about something does you no good until you use that knowledge. By applying knowledge we gain wisdom and then are able to apply our knowledge even better! And that is what The secret is all about, applied knowledge. Those that apply the principles of The Secret accomplish extraordinary things. Those that don’t sadly miss out on the potential that they have.

So, what has this got to do with business? Everything! Recently, I was discussing these things with a friend concerning my newly established internet business. It will kind of give you an idea about putting this knowledge to use.

I have no doubt it will work out. I have a secret weapon that most people are not aware of. And that is the Secret itself! It is available to anyone, but very few are using it to the full potential. I was reading just yesterday that it is as easy to manifest $1 as it is to manifest $1,000,000. The only limit is by own belief. If people are not getting what they want it is because they believe they can’t get what they want. The internet is a cold machine. But I am using it to spread happiness around the globe! One thing I did learn recently is the importance of branding. We need to infuse ourselves into our marketing. When people know that there is a real person behind that ad, it gives it more credibility. And that is what you need on the internet. Why should anyone take my offer over the millions of other offers already out there? The answer is, Me! Somehow I need to communicate to them that they need to do business with me. So, I am putting my picture on everything and in every ad I can. And I am infusing my ads with power and I know that they will connect with the right people. The law of attraction works whether in-person or through the internet. It doesn’t matter!

If you want to know more, go get the book! And don’t just read it, apply it!


I am just an ordinary guy trying to accomplish some extraordinary things! My goal is to help as many people as I can to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically and financially free! There is nothing you can't accomplish! You have all the ability already! All you have to do is believe!

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